For the good of Asgard (Loki)

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"My fellow Asgardians, please welcome King Soloman, Queen Narfaya and Princess y/n of Sondheim"  i walked with my head held high as the doors opened, my emerald green dress flowing behind me. My Mother and Father walked a few steps ahead of me and I watched as people bowed their heads to us and looked to where we were to meet the King and his sons. As we arrived at the bottom of the stairs i made eye contact with the raven haired god of mischief, who sent a very small smile my way which i returned out of good favour.

"King Odin!" We bowed to him.

"King Soloman" Odin shouted as he smiled a wide smile. "Welcome my friend, it is an honour to have you join us! I hope you and your family find Asgard to your liking! Is that Princess y/n behind you, my how she has grown!" My mother and father parted ways, allowing me to step through and be seen by Odin.

"It is an honour to see you again King Odin!" I said, smiling as i looked up to him and the princes. "It is also a pleasure to see the princes again, given that i was so young when we first met!" The men bowed to me.

"Princess y/n, it is such an priviledge to have you here to join our kingdoms together. I am very much looking forward to having you here at Asgard full time once you and my son are married!" I felt my heart drop as i looked to my mother and father who refused to meet my eye. I turned to fave Odin and nodded.

"I am excited to stay here full time! It is a very lovely place to call my future home!" I lied. How could my parents not tell me i was here to be married off?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, i believe we should leave and let the betrothed talk!" Odin announced as the hall started to clear. I quickly grabbed my fathers hand.

"How could you not tell me?" I asked him as guilt took over his expressionless face.

"You knew this day would come y/n! You have grown up knowing your duty would be to marry a royal suitor. I see no one better than a son of Odin!"

"Father i was told the decision was to be mine on whom i would marry! You promised i could marry for love and not politics!" I whispered angrily. My father stood tall in front of me.

"I am your king and you will do as i command. You will marry the Prince and you will remain here on Asgard. Is that understood?" He looked down at me sternly.

"I didn't realise been my King came before been my father!" I watched as he glanced at me with a sad look "but you are understood. I will marry the Prince!" I watched as Odin left, my fathers arm around his shoulder, my mother follwing closley behind. I felt myself sigh as i looked to the floor.

"Princess y/n?" I turned to the voice and found Loki stood at the bottom of the stairs, a small smile on his face. "I'm assuming from your brief chat with your mother and father you weren't aware of why you were brought here?" I shook my head.

"I was taught to never ask for a reason. Especially not from my father" i walked to one of the benches and sat down, looking around the hall. "You have a very beautiful home. A lot bigger than what i am ust to" i said to Loki, as he sat beside me.

"Thank you, although when we are married, we will not be in the palace. I have a small home outside of the city walls where we shall go! It has a nice, big garden where our children can play.!"

"Loki, why are you agreeing to this so easily? We dont even know each other, we met briefly when we were 10 years old. Would you not prefer to marry for love!"

"God no!" I looked to him, shocked at his frank answer. "Love is a weakness. Love blinds people and makes them vunuerable"

"So what, i am just become someone who is there for your every need, someone who births your children and gives you an heir!" Loki sniggered.

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