Lokis Cell Mate

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Loki trudged his way back down to the dungeons. Guards each side of him, holding his arms to ensure he doesnt escape again, even though they know he wouldn't get far without Thor catching him. The cell opened and Loki stepped in, his cuffs coming unudone as he stepped through the barrier. He did a sarcastic smirk towards the guards as they left the room.

"Where did you get to this time?" Loki turned to the voice to find his room mate sat on her bed, her drawing pad in her hand. Loki sighed and sat on his bed, his hands trailing through his hair followed by a sigh.

"Courtyard" he said with a huff, causing his room mate to giggle a little.

"Well...keep trying! Who knows you could reach the bifrost in the next 3 years!" She replied snarkily. Loki gave her an evil glance as he laid down, grabbing his book. "Didn't you finish that like 5 days ago for the third time?" She asked him but her comment was ignored. "Cool" she rolled her eyes and picked up her pencil, shading in her latest piece which she was quite pleased with.

"What are your intentions with this art you do?" Loki asked y/n about 30 minutes after they fell into a comfortable silence. She shrugged her shoulders.

"What can i do Loki? I'm stuck here for the remainder of my life for helping a certain God of Mischief try and take over Earth. My art work will remain in this barrier with us until i die and then it will be burned!" Loki sat up, looking at her with a sad expression. "I don't need your pity Loki, i let myself get into this situation" he got up and came to her bed, placing him down on the end near her stretched out feet.

"You wouldn't of been here if i hadn't used you for my own doings! You would of been some famous artist!" She rolled her eyes and snorted through a laugh. "What's so funny?" He asked her.

"Loki, you have never seen my work...ever. You don't even know i'm any good. Also the thing on Earth was my choice just as much as it was your choice asking me to join you. Yes you bribed me but it was a bribe that benefited us both in more ways than what could be offered here in Asgard. Plsu i'd of never been let out once i married Thor!" Loki looked down to the ground before making eye contact with y/n, a sad look in his eyes.

"How could i forget. The Princess of Frandalheim, future wife of Thor."

"Ex future wife!" She reminded him. "I never felt anything for Thor, the marriage was a plan set up between my father and your fa...Odin. Neither me or Thor would of got anything out of it personally! I'm glad i helped you Loki. I wouldn't change any of it...well, i mean i would change the part where the whole plan failed but other than that!" They both let out a small laugh. "Do you want to see my new drawing?" Y/n asked Loki as he moved to her side, nodding. She held up her piece and showed it to Loki. His eyes opened wide with suprise, a wide smile spread across his face as he traced the lines with his fingers.

"This is me...y/n...this is amazing. I don't know what to say! You really would of been a famous artist!" Y/n felt herself blush at the compliment. She ripped the page and handed it to Loki. "I can keep it?" She nodded.

"To remember me by when you manage to escape!" Loki felt himself shift unucomfortably next to her as she placed her head onto his shoulder. He felt himself relax and placed his head atop of hers.

"Why won't you come with me?" He asked y/n as he stared out into the empty room, only a bookshelf and desk occupying the room.

"You're better on your own Loki, i would only hold you back!" She admited to him truthfully as she picked her head up off his shoulders.

"You wouldn..." Loki started but was cut off by the guards coming in. Thor following behind them.

"Search every cell, leave no cell unturned!" He said as he looked Loki and y/ns cell! Loki stood up, making his way to the front of the barrier. "Brother" Thor smiled a wide smile at his brother who in return rolled his eyes. "Your cell will be searched shortly, you and y/n will be held outside your cell by the guards, don't try to escape, i will catch you!" Loki nodded his head as Y/n made her way to his side.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Y/n asked Thor!

"Someone managed to sneak a cell device into their cell so we plan to find it before it is used"

"A cell device?" She asked.

"It opens every cell and can close them just as easily." Loki answered her as he watched the guards make their way to their cell.

"Right! I will search this cell too! I will check the beds and sheets...you check the bookshelf. Check behind the books and in them. When you are done put them back where you found them!" Thor demanded as y/n and Loki were escorted out of their cell. Thor passing them with a nod. Loki was grateful that his brother still showed some compassion towards him but it wasn't enough to stop Lokis current plan as he put it into action. He reached into his pocket and pressed the button which opened all the cells. "Sorry brother!" Thor turned and watched as the prisoners started to fight the guards, over powering most of them.

"Run!" Loki said to y/n as he turned to run off, Thor too occupied fighting to notice. As Y/N turned to run with him a guard grabbed her, causing Loki to turn around. "Y/n!" Loki shouted as he tried to run back to her before she stopped him.

"No...Loki, this is your chance...run! GO" She instructed him as he nodded and turned the other way, running to his freedom. He had finally made his way to the ships, his escape meerley seconds away. With no cuffs he was free to teleport and use his magic but he wanted to leave no magic trases that Heimdall could track so decided a ship was a better way to leave Asgard. He put his hand into his pocket to throw the remote away, a piece of paper following it and falling to the floor. Loki picked it up and opened it revealing the drawing y/n had done. He felt himself sigh after a few seconds and then placed the paper back into his pocket, climbing into the ship.

A little while away in Asgards courtyard y/n was thrown to the floor, Odin and Thor stood tall in front of her.

"Y/N of Frandelheim! Princess of 1 of the nine realms, i sentence you to death on the account of treason!" Odin shouted so all his subjects could hear. "Any final words before your sentence is seen through?" He asked, grabbing her hair and pulling it down, causing her to look up.

"Kill me all you want! You still won't find Loki...he's won" she whispered the last part mockingly, a side smile gracing her lips as Odin motioned for the axe man to step forward. "Can't wait to see Valhalla..." she laughed.

"You have no place in Valhalla!" Odin shouted. Thor looked down on his ex fiance with sadness. He didn't want this to be the way she died. She was suppose to die of old age as a mother and maybe Grandmother to their children. There may not have been love...but there could of been eventually.

"Well wherever i end up...it's going to be better than those crammy dungeons. You should really dust down there, maybe pain the walls"

"Enough" Odin shouted, silencing y/n with a jump. She swallowed the lump in her throat as her persecutor raised his axe. Her eyes closing. Before the Axe could swing however a loud crash could be heard. Y/N looked up to see Loki had smashed a ship through the courtyard walls. He held out his hand for Y/n who grabbed it without any hesitation. He pressed buttons and the ship sped off back through the wall Loki had just destroyed.

"You came back?" Y/N asked Loki as he smiled.

"I would never leave you behind." Loki grabbed Y/N close. "Turn your head away, close your eyes. I'm ust to travelling through this ridge, you are not. You need to keep your eyes closed or there will be nasty side affects since you are not of Asgardian blood" she nodded into his kneck and shut her eyes tight. With a quick flash they were free, Asgard was no longer their home.

"It's me and you now y/n. Forever and always!" Loki said as he placed a soft kiss to her temple. "My Queen you will have the world if you ask...i will give you everything...if you will allow me the honour of been your partner?" Y/N looked up to Loki and smiled. Placing a soft kiss to his lips she nodded.

"There was another reason i didn't want to marry Thor!" Loki looked down at Y/N with a confused look on his face. She pulled his head down so she could whisper in his ear. "I had a huge crush on his younger brother" Loki smiled as he pulled back. "He is way more fun"

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