Party with the Hiddlestons (Tom)

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This was requested with the name Eloise

Christmas time was fast approaching and that meant another painful holiday with Eloises' parents constantly reminding her 'another year of no grandbabies and no ring'. You'd think they'd get the hint and just stop when she left the room everytime but no, every year she became the topic of interest! Walking up to the house was followed with the same dred it always was. The cars of her brothers and sisters scattered their drive way, none of them offering to pick her up from the train station.

"Mum,Dad...i'm home!" Eloise shouted out in the silent house! Their butler, Timothy, peaked round the corner, a polite smile on his face.

"Ah Miss Eloise, what a pleasent suprise! We werent expecting you until tonight!" He walked towards her, holding his hands out to collect her bags "your parents are in the hall setting preperations for tonights party!" Eloise thanked him before setting off towards the hall. As each step took her closer she began to hear childrens laughter and the bickering of her siblings!

"Auntie L!" Two of the 8 children ran towards her, a determined look on their faces as their speed increased.

"Wow! Slow down boys!" The boys came to a quick stop as their dad stepped in front of Eloise, saving her a trip to the floor. The boys giggled and gently hugged Eloise before running off again.

"Hey sis!"

"Hey Rodger" Rodger was the oldest of the 7 siblings which meant he was looked to as the wiser of them all, though in Eloises' mind, that was not the case.

"Ah Eloise darling! You're here early!" Her mother welcomed her with open arms and a smile. "How was the ride up?" She asked as she guided her daughter to the other side of the hall.

"It was ok!"

"You should learn to drive already!" Well, it took all of two minutes for the criticism! A new record!

"Mother i live in London, i have the buses and tube at my disposal plus it's cheaper and more friendly for the enviroment" Her mother ignored her remark as she held out her hand towards a man and woman.

"This is James and Diana Hiddleston, they are our main guests for tonights party!" Eloise shook hands with the two and sent them a gracious smile "And this gorgeous gentlemen is their son Thomas!" Eloise turned her head to where her mother was pointing at a man making his way over to them.

"It's just Tom" The man said as he held out his hand for Eloise to shake.

"Tom is an actor and also lives in London, maybe you two could meet up and have a coffee sometime. Get to know each other!" Mrs Matthews said with a joyous tone.

"Mother stop it!" Eloise scolded.

"What? I'm just saying it's been a wh-"

"I'm tired, i think i'll take my leave so i can rest before the party tonight" Eloise cut her mother off mid sentence and turned to the family of three "it was lovely to meet you, i shall see you tonight!" And with that she made her leave!

Hours had passed and the numerous visits from her mum eventually coaxed her out of her sweatpants and into her dress.

"Ah Miss Eloise, a pleasent suprise!" Eloise was welcomed by the ArchDuke Of Austria and his wife as she entered the hall.

"Sir Martin, Lady Villars! How lovely to see you both! How are the family?" Eloise asked with a curteous smile

"Oh same as always! Boisterous and content" the three shared a laugh before they bid goodbye to each other and Eloise continued into further into the hall. Two hours into the night she finally found a vacant seat in the hallway, otherwise known as the foot of the stairs, and took the chance to rest from all the formalities. She knew no one would look for her here and the guests had no reason to come this way so she would be safe from conversation for the time been!

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