The Kings Maid

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Amelia Lopez was the 7th member of her family to start working for the crown Prince Thomas and his parents. Their family were well respected within the royal house hold and for a few years during her childhood, Amelia and Thomas ust to play together when no other children were around to provide entertainment for the young prince. Though as time went on Thomas found himself thrusted with royal duties including his most dreaded one...marriage. He had never been fond of the idea, travelling occupided most of his thoughts and he knew the second he was married, the travelling would stop so he put off that moment for as long as he could but his mother was growing more impatient as the days went on.

"Darling, you are home!" The Queen opened her arms for a hug as Thomas arrived home from his travels abroad. "How did you find France?" Thomas handed his coat to Amelia with a smile as she bowed her head, a small smile in responce to his.

"Most delightful. Notre Dame is the most beautiful Cathedral! I would of liked to see it before the fire but it was still glorious all the same. How is father?" The queen gave him a sad smile as they sat down.

"He's not getting any better but he's also not getting any worse. The Doctors say there is not much else they can do. All they d0 now is give him medecine that helps him deal with the pain. They still have yet to understand why he has taken ill." Thomas nodded his head "Thomas, will you stay home please, just for a while? It is terribly quiet with you not around!" He grabbed his mothers hand to comfort her.

"Of course mother" the two fell into a small silence before Thomas turned his attention to Amelia who was staring at the wall across from her. She hated listening to conversations that were so private so she tried her hardest to get lost in her own mind, something she had gotten very skilled at. "Amelia, how are you today? Mother isn't working you too hard i hope?" Tom asked with a smirk to his mother. Amelia let out a small chuckle.

"I am very well y0ur highness, your mother keeps me busy as always but i wouldn't have it any other way! She is great to work for" She smiled at the Queen who stood and walked past Amelia.

"This is why she is my favourite!" The queen smiled as she tappped Amelia on the shoulder a couple of times and headed for the door. "Stay with Thomas dear, make sure he stays out of trouble until his butler gets here. I'll tell Andrew to let him know you are home!" Amelia bowed and turned her attention to the Prince who had stood and was now looking out of the window.

"Would you like me to collect your bags si-"

"Do you think i will make a good King Amelia?" Amelia felt her throat dry up as she tried to find an answer that would comfort him but not make his father sound like he needed to be better than him.

"If you lead the people as well as your father has during his reign, i believe you will be a great King Sire." He didn't say anything, just continued to stare out the window. "Shall i collect your bags and put them in your room?" Thomas shook his head.

"I've already done it. I'm quite tired i feel i shall fall asleep standing if i do not retire to bed early. Does mother have any meetings tomorow?" Amelia grabbed for her diary and quickly flipped to the next day.

"She has a meeting with your fathers Doctor at 10:45-11:30 to discuss any further methods of treatment they could try. Then she normally has tea and biscuits with your father before sitting to do her afternoon paperwork." Thomas nodded and then thanked Amelia before leaving the room.

3 weeks had passed and Thomas had kept his word about not leaving. Between talks with his father, boring Prince lessons and evening strolls with his butler and Amelia, the young Prince had ran out of ideas to do. Do to his lack of entertainment he called for his friends to join him for a night of whisky and poker. Amelia had become Thomas' maid, as the Queens ladys maid was here for the Christmas holidays so Amelia was not needed as the work load was enough for one. Since she was now the Princes maid she was required to attend the night incase she was needed. The games started early in the afternoon and went into the night and Amelia found herself hiding a yawn.

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