Dancing for Loki

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"The princess will be ariving in the next hour so everything needs to be perfect!" My master shouted to us all from the side of his father who sat proudly on the throne, watching over us as we worked. "Y/n come here a moment" i made my way up to the stairs below the throne and bowed my head.

"Yes your majesty!" He walked down the steps to me so he was just above me.

"You will be my princesses maid for the evening. There is no one else i trust more!" He told me and i bowed my head to him again.

"I am honoured my lord"

"You will meet her at her carridge and show her to her room, you will also be present at the ball this evening and make sure she is never bored!" I nodded. "That is all!" I walked back to my original position and started to polish plates as i kept an eye on the time. I wouldn't be late. Not when Loki had intrusted me with this honour. Been a maid to a princess such as Darla was a priveledge. One that i would not soon forget. At 5 to the hour i made my way to the door jusy in time for her arrival. Her servant opened the door and assisted her as she climbed out. I bowed my head and curtsied as she stepped in front of me.

"Madame, i am y/n, Lord Loki has requested i be your maid during your stay. Welcome!" She looked me up and down before smiling.

"You're a pretty little thing" i blinked a few times before thanking her. "Show me to my room" i nodded and led her towards her chambers before unupacking her things.

"So...you...what is The Prince like?" I turned to face the princess.

"Which Prince, your grace?" I asked with a small tilt of my head.

"Which do you think idiot. The one i am destined to marry!" She said with a smug yet duh tone.

"Oh, he is a very proud man, handsome as im sure you aleady know. He is very wise also and very fair to his staff and subjects. He can be very...mischievous at times and sometimes prefers his own company in his private study which is off bounds to everyone. He enjoys walking aroung the gardens and loves to read."

"Ok i'm bored of you talking now! You sound like you're in love with him!" She cut me off.

"Oh no not at all Madam, i am just very observant, as his main servant i have to know his routines and how to please him"

"Do you please him sexually?" My eyes widened at her question. "Answer me servant girl"

"No Madame" She looked at me satisfied. "Is there anything else i can do before tonight?"

"No. Get out. I shall call you in when i'm ready. Stay outside my room and do not leave" i bowed my head and made my way outside. The other servants came up to me, smiles on their faces.

"Master has sent us home for the day. You wanting to walk into town for some drinks?" Annalise asked me.

"Sorry, i'm working all night. I am the princesses maid. Lokis orders." They all looked at me with a sad expression.

"What is she like?" They whispered.

"Abit snappy, but i'm sure she will make Loki very happy!" They all nodded before saying their goodbyes and leaving.

The ball came aroud quickly and the room was filled with guests from all over the nine realms, dancing and greeting one another, drinking and partying. Loki came up to me as i waited at the side for my princess to call. I bowed my head to him. I noticed the princess watching from the corner of my eye.

"How are you faring y/n? Have you eaten yet?" I shook my head "you must have some of the feast!" He demanded.

"No im quite alright, thank you my lord but i have to stay fully focused on your princess"

"Nonsense. I will bring you food!" He walked off before i could protest, leaving me face to face with the princess who had walked over as Loki left.

"What did he want?" She asked with a harsh tone.

"He asked if i had eaten and then left to get me some food" she looked me up and down disgusited.

"The help getting feast food. Ridiculous, this would never pass in my country" i stopped myself from biting back ad just stayed silent. Loki came back with a small plate of food in his hand and handed it to me. "Argh Princess, i see you are getting along well with my favourite girl!" Loki winked at me before looking back to his princess who had the fakest smile on her face.

"Yes, she is very helpful. I was jsut saying she looked hungry and offered to get her food but she told me you had already gone for her my lord. How very thoughtful"

"Only the best for my girl!" Why did he keep saying that! "Shall we return to our seats?" She nodded and held his elbow as they made their way back to their table. I quickly ate my food and stood back up giving the princess my full attention for when needed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my princess has demanded entertainment! She would like to see an Asgardian dance! Do we have any voulenteers?" Loki asked, looking around the hall at people avoiding eye contact.

"I would like to see y/n dance one of your dances!" The princess shouted, her head snapping to me with a smug expression. Loki looked at me, a smile on his face.

"Excellent choice. Come y/n, to the middle of the floor. Make room ladies and gentlemen" Odin shouted. I made my way to the floor as everyones eyes followed me.

"I would like to see the traditional asgardian waltz" the princess isntructed.

"I would need a male partner my lady, which i fear will not happen!" Why would anyone of a higher ranking want to be seen dancing with a slave girl.

"I will! The waltz is my favourite to dance!" Loki stood, making his way to me. I watched the princesses face drop.

"Music please!" Loki pulled me into him as the band began to play. We started dancing as Loki bent to my ear. "Does she look really angry?" He asked.

"Extremely!" I replied with a worried tone.

"Good, so she should. I heard how she spoke to you! No one is allowed to speak to you like that! No matter who they are."

"My lord, she is your future bride!"

"No, i wont marry her! She is not worthy of a title here in Asgard, not if she treats the people how she has treated you. I maybe the god of mischief but i know how to respect people. Especially people important to me." We continued to dance as others joined. Loki pulling me closer to him as it went on. "Ready to see some real mischief?" I looked at Loki confused before he pressed his lips to mine, causing everyone to gasp. He pulled away, smiling at me as the princess stormed towards us. He stood in front of me in a protective manner but i quickly ran off into the gardens.

Minutes had past when i had finally caught my breath back, only to lose it again as Loki appeared before me.

"My lord, i wish to be alone if you will allow me that!" I asked.

"I will not"


"I didn't just kiss you to annoy the princess, although her reaction was priceless, i did it because i wanted to kiss you! You are kind and gentle and unuderstanding of my needs. You are all i have ever wanted in a bride."

"Loki, i am nothing but a servant. Nothing could ever happen between us!" I shouted to him as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Thor is going to be King, not me. I dont have to marry into royalty. I can have anyone and I want you! And i know you want me" he said with such confidence.

"Lok-" i tried to speak but he cut me off.

"Don't say anything" he said as he stopped my with another kiss "dont say anything at all. Just be mine"

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