Dads Dissaproval (Tom)

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"Y/n! You're going to be late. Tom is here!" My dad shouted up the stairs as i bounced around, fighting to get my converse on.

"Coming!" I replied, hoping he heard me through my struggle. I ran down the stairs to find my dad and Tom in deep conversation, probably about Tennis, or my dads crazy hours he had worked the last week, which i had heard about 1000 times, both on the phone and in person. "Sorry, fighting to get my shoes on!" I grabbed my bag and kissed my dads cheek before standing beside Tom.

"Thanks for dropping her off mate! I would of done it myself but i am knackered from the last week" i rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I'll see you later, straight home after school. Remember we have your meal with your Auntie Carol." Dad reminded me "oh and Happy Birthday love! I love you!" He hugged me and smiled before opening the door for me. "Oh Tom can i speak to you quickly!" Tom nodded and opened the car door for me before going back to speak to my dad. They stood there for two minutes before i opened the door.

"Hello! Student who doesn't want to be late!" They both laughed and tTom said his goodbye and got in the car, we both waved bye as we set off.

"So, how come you didn't tell me it was your birthday?" Tom asked, a sad tone to his voice.

"You never asked, besides you know i don't like my birthday anyway. No reason to celebrate been a year older"

"Yes but you knew mine and got me presents!"

"Yes because you're Tom Hiddleston, i can google search you and i know your top 5 things to get for your birthday, damn i even knew what after shave you wore cos of your fans" we both let out a laugh as Tom grabbed my hand, placing it on his thigh.

"I just want to get my girlfriend something nice" i looked at Tom, who smirked. "Still not ust to me calling you that huh?" I shook my head.

"It still feels new, i know we have been together a few months but it still doesnt seem real!" He picked my hand up and kissed my knuckles.

"Probably because we have had to hide it! I doubt i'd be allowed to see you if your dad found out!" Tom smiled. "I know he's protective of you since your mam left so i don't want him thinking im taking advantage of you"

"He wouldn't think that! You're his best friend Tom!"

"Which in a way makes it worse. I'm 15 years older than you! He would kill me!"

"Tom i'm 21 years old! I can look after myself, it's not as if i'm 15!"

"I know, i just dont want to risk losing what we have!" He said as we pulled up outside Uni.

"And we won't. We just have to be careful! Are you picking me up or am i bussing it?" I asked as i started to climb out the car.

"I'll come get you. 3:15?" I nodded and said bye before closing the door and watching him drive off.

"Y/n over here" my friend Jamie called from her usual smoking spot. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!"

The rest of my day was full of happy birthdays and lessons and finally it was time to go home! I felt so tired but knew i had to get dressed and head out to meet my Auntie so i pulled on my lilac knee length dress and paired it with ear rings and black heels before heading out with my dad. We got to the resturant and my dad sent me in front of him "Ladies first!"

"Why thank you good sir!" I bowed and we both laughed before a waitress greeted us.

"Hi do you guys have a reservation?" She asked as my dad closed the door behind him.

"Yes name under Y/N." I said as she looked through her list. She nodded her head and asked to follow her.

"We have actually seated you upstairs with our new seating plan, recently we have renovated so we have more tables now" the waitress informed us as we started walking up the stairs. "Just through those doors and your table will be straight ahead, your aunt is already there!"

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