The Wallet (Tom)

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Ok, this is the adress on the ID, all you have to do is walk up to the door and knock. Come can do this! The man needs his wallet back! I walked up the steps and knocked on the door, questioning why i didn't just hand it into the train conductor. The door swung open and a suddenly a dog bounced up at me.

"Bobby down!" The man told his furry companion. "Sorry, he gets excited around people, how can i help?"

"Hi, are you Thomas Hiddleston?" He stared at me for a second, like he was trying to figure something out.

"No!" I felt my shoulder shrug in dissapointment. Don't tell me i came to an old adress of the guys ID

"Oh...does Thomas live here? It's just, i found his ID on the train and thought best to check the adress rather than give it into the conductor cos then he probably wouldn't get it back. I mean it could be an old adress as the picture is so faded that i can't actually see what he looks like. It could be someones old id whos partner has kept after a death...sorry im rambling." He smiled at me and shook his head.

"It's fine, i am Thomas Hiddleston. Sorry i have just had some randomers come to my house asking for autographs for their family so didn't know if you were one of them! I can get you my passport to prove it's me."

"No it's fine, i believe you! Sorry to hear people are bothering you!" I said as i handed his wallet over.

"It's fine, normally it wouldn't bother me but its just getting alot now, especially with them turning up at my house"

"That sucks!" He laughed a little laugh and nodded.

"How can i thank you for returning this?" He asked me.

"Honestly it's fine, i go to University round here so it's not far out of my way".

"Can i take you out for coffee then? I can't not thank you"

"I'm busy today im afraid, university lessons all day!" He took a card out of his wallet and handed it to me.

"My phone number, message me and we will sort a time out" i smiled and put the card in my pocket. I waved goodbye to Tom and quickly stroked his dog before heading off to University. I decided to quickly text Tom before heading into my class.

Hey Tom, its y/n, i'm free tomorow after 4!

Hello y/n, shall we say 4:30, meet at my place? Thank you again for returning my wallet.

No worries. See you tomorow.

I walked into class and sat beside my friend Chloe, who i got into a short converstion before class started.

"Hey guys! Tomorow is an exciting day, we have an actor coming to join us tomorow to do a workshop. Names will be picked out of a hat and you will perform a monologue or song, the choice is yours but everyone must have something prepared." Natalia raised her hand.

"Who's the actor Miss?"

"Tom Hiddleston, he will also be doing a Q and A after so please have some questions prepared." in the Tom i just met? There can't be two of them! "Ok guys lets start!"

Throughout the lesson Natalia would not shutup about Tom! She claimed she knew him and they had been friends for years and that he always invited her family over for Christmas dinner! I decided to get my phone out and quickly text him to let him know i would see him earlier than 4.

Hey Tom, me again! Turns out you will be seeing me earlier than 4! Apparantly you're coming to Ui tomorow for a workshop!

oh amazing, how exciting, looking forward to it. I'll try not to judge you too much ;) are you performing?

I'm not sure, names are getting picked out of a hat!

Well i hope i pick you then!

Oh also Natalia Freisman is here so you'll see her tomorow


Natalia, she said she knows you, says your friends and that you invite her family to yours for christmas dinner?

I don't know a Natalia and i always have christmas dinnner at my parents.

Oh maybe she's mixed someone up

Maybe! Anyway see you tomorow

See ya

For the rest of the night me and Chloe worked on our pieces for tomorow and then settled down for an early night. I was excited to see what tomorow would bring and to see Tom again. The morning came quick and before i knew it we were awaiting Toms arrival. Everyone was buzzing and the moral was high. Natalie would not shutup and quite frankly i was getting bored of her lying. The door opened and in walked Tom in a navy blue suit. Damn he looked hot.

"Hello everyone!" Tom started his workshop and started picking names out of that hat. Natalia was picked 2nd and she did a rendition of as long as he needs me. I notice Tom look at me and raise his eyebrows towards Natalie, i nodded to show that was the woman i messaged him about. My name never got picked out of the hat and i could swear Tom had a sad look.

"Looks like we actually have time for another person. Any voulenteers?"

"May i pick someone" Tom asked, i looked up and we made direct eye contact and he smiled at me

"You" he said pointing at me, i felt heart jump out my chest. I stood up and walked into the middle of the stage.

"My name is y/n and i'll be singing Mother knows best, the reprise from the Disney show Tangled"

"Amazing, good luck y/n"

Later in the day

"Honeslty, i was so dissapointed you didn't get picked so i knew i had to pick you when i was given the chance!" Tom told me as we headed to the table in the university cantene, coffee in hand.

"Really? What if i was bad?"

"You could of been...but you weren't, you were incredible." I felt myself blush as Tom pulled my seat out for me. Sitting down i thank Tom for his compliment before trying to change subject.

"So i didn't know who you were before yeterday so i decided to search you up and i realised who you are!"

"Who?" He was smilig as if he knew who i was going to say.

"Captain James Hook from Tinkerbell and the pirate Fairy! I always ust to sing your part of the song. My friends hated me for it"

"That was not the character i thought you were going to say! Most people say Loki"

"I mean, i havnt watched Marvel so i wouldnt know who that is where as i'm a huge disney fan haha" Tom laughed and nodded his head.

" havn't seen a single Marvel movie?" I shook my head no. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"


"Right, if you're uncomfortable at the idea then you can say no...but how about you come to mine this weekend and we have a Marvel marathon?" Tom asked me, a slight nervousness is in his voice. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Of course, i'd love to come over! On one condition?" Tom looked at me as if to say...go on! "We watch a Disney film or two!"


Lets just say i didn't end up leaving after that weekend! I only left when we moved to a bigger home to accomodate our 4 children and three dogs

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