The Masquerade! (Tom)

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"It will only be one night Lady Freya. Surley I can be free of my duties for one night. Everyone else in the shop is going?" Erica tied the corset of her boss as she spoke.

"Everyone else doesn't owe me £10,000 Erica. You continue until you work your debt off." Lady Freya admired herself in the mirror.

"But I've paid off know I am a hard worker and you will get the rest. Just one night I am begging you" Erica clasped her hands together.

"ENOUGH ERICA...until you have paid off every single dime you owe, you are mine. You do not have a right to freedom or 'a night off' You work until your time is up then you sleep and then repeat. It is simple child. You are here to work. Not to enjoy yourself. You can thank you parents for this life"

Erica felt herself tense. Her parents did it for her a better life. If they hadn't of died then she would of been free but she would never blame them for what happened. Nobody could.

"Now I tire of you. Go back downstairs and continue to work the floor. Girls. We leave in 10 minutes" Lady Freya called out which earned several excited squeals.

Erica sat behind the desk, her sewing kit at hand as she stitched what must of been her 10th hole in this dress. Heavens know what the woman was doing for it to get in this state. The rest of the girls and Lady Freya left, all with smiles on their faces. Not even a goodbye. Not that this shocked Erica.

"Hello?" A mans voice rang out in the shop as Erica returned from placing the dress in their steam room.

"Hello sir, sorry to keep you waiting! Can I help you!" The young man stood tall. His hair ruffled slightly.

"Well I certainly hope so, otherwise I'm afraid my father may take my head." He chuckled as Erica smiled. "I seem to have had an issue in the woods and I've torn a hole in my tunic. I'm in desperate need of help before the ball tonight!"

"Oh, I can easily stitch that for you. Have you travelled a distance?" Erica attempted to make small talk but the young man looked up in disbelief. "I didnt mean to offend sir, I assure you." Erica said urgently.

"No offence taken. I really don't know who I am?" He asked. Erica shook her head. "That is a nice change. I am William, Assistant to the Prince" Erica held her hand out and the young man took it within his. Shaking her hand.

"I'm Erica! Assistant to...well my boss" she laughed lightly with a shrug of her shoulders. William took his tunic off and handed it to Erica, who got to work straight away. She looked up at the man who was staring outside ducking to the side occassionaly.

"Are you ok sir? You seem abit jumpy?"

"I believe the Prince may have gone on one of his...adventures. The royal guards are out looking for him" William stated.

"Should you not be out there with them, as his assistant?" Erica queried as she finished the final stitch.

"No! He enjoys time on his own and no one gives it to him so he occasionally runs off. I think he needed one last moment of freedom." The man spoke softly as he walked towards Erica.

"I can relate to him there!" William furrowed his brows and tilted his head at the girl. "Your tunic is done sir?" He smiled and took it from her.

"How much do i owe?" Erica shook her head.

"It's fine. Its only one hole. I hope the prince returns safely." Erica bowed her head.

"Are you not coming to the ball? Everyone is invited?"

"My boss has not allowed it I'm afraid. I am repaying a debt so until I am clear of that, I am to work, sleep and repeat!" Erica gave him a soft smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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