Chapter 1

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TW / Emetophobia 

It was a cold day in New York, when Santana woke up feeling dreadful after a night full of puking from a stomach bug. She had work at midday, but there was no way she was going to be leaving the bathroom or her bed any time soon, much to Dani's disappointment.

"Have some water and take some pills and you should be okay to come in for midday right San? You have a pre-paid class today" said Dani. "You're joking right, Dan? Literally just look at me, I feel horrendous. I'll have to cancel it and refund them. I'm sorry but I'm too sick" said Santana, almost in disbelief at her fiancé's lack of care for her.

"For fuck sake" Dani muttered under her breath and walked out of the apartment to go to work, slamming the door on her way out.

Santana pulled out her phone to text her best friend Quinn, who lived only a few blocks away.

Santana: 'She's angry because I'm sick and can't go to work. This is just getting unbearable now. I'm going to have to have the conversation with her'
Quinn: 'That's insane, you can't help being unwell? I'll bring over some soup in a little while, leave the door unlocked'

Santana smiled at her phone knowing she had Quinn to look after her. She wished Dani would, but that was clearly too much to ask for. Whilst on her phone, she sent a text to Dani.

Santana: 'I can't help being unwell, Dan. You heard me vomiting all night, I can't even breathe without getting motion sickness. It would have been nice for you to show some empathy'
Dani: 'I showed empathy when I was listening to you in the bathroom all night. I'll see you at home later'

She locked her phone and slammed it down next to her on the bed, frustrated by Dani's response although not surprised, she was used to her attitude by now.

A little while later, Quinn arrived. She walked into the apartment and knocked on the bedroom door, entering once Santana shouted for her to. "Wow, you look rough" said Quinn, jokingly. "I feel it, Q. I want to try and shower but my body is so weak" replied Santana.

Quinn slowly helped Santana into the bathroom, trying not to trigger the motion sickness. "I'll take you this far but I'm not undressing you, it'd be like seeing my sister naked. Shout if you need help getting back to bed afterwards" said Quinn as she left the room and shut the door behind her.

Quinn was still in contact with Brittany. They were all in a glee club in their high school, so they had a big group of friends which both Brittany and Santana were a part of. The group chat ended when the two girls split up to avoid any awkwardness, so everyone kept in contact individually.

(Via text)
Quinn: 'Hey Britt. I saw you won another award for the studio, congrats!! How's Mercedes and Sugar and everyone? Will hopefully be coming back for a weekend soon to see my parents so will keep you posted xx'
Brittany 'Hi Q, thank you! They're all good, we're all at mine at the minute so they say hey. Yeah let me know when you're back and we'll meet up. What you up to?X'
Quinn: 'Uhhh not much, just at my friends place xx'
Brittany: 'You can say you're with Santana, Q. It's been forever, I don't want to cry every time I hear her name anymore haha, we're both in better places now. Hope she's doing okay. Gotta go, I'm about to leave for work. Loves ya xx'

Brittany knew she wasn't in a better place and that it was a lie. She thought about Santana a lot and what they would be doing now if Santana hadn't moved away. When she heard the news of her engagement, it was bitter sweet. On one hand, it gave her closure because she knew nothing would ever happened between them again, but on the other hand, the realisation of closure absolutely killed her. She wasn't ready for closure.

Quinn made her way back into Santana's room, waiting for her to come out of the en-suite and back to bed. She eventually came back into the room in her towel, feeling a lot more refreshed. Out of nowhere, the bedroom door opened and it was Dani on her lunch break.

"Um...what is going on here? I've got my fiancé basically naked in my bedroom with her best friend.." said Dani, jealousy rising in her voice. "What? Don't be insane Dani. I've just managed to shower and Quinn came to be with me to see if I'm okay and bring me soup?" replied Santana, visibly confused at Dani's ridiculous implications.

Quinn knew things weren't like they used to be in their relationship, but she didn't yet realise how psycho Dani could be. She hadn't seen the controlling, jealous, violent and angry side to Dani yet. Santana hid it well and so did Dani.

"It's true, Dan, I just came to look after her that's all" said Quinn, calmly. "That's my job, not yours" snapped Dani.

"Yeah, that is your job Dani yet you weren't here. You never are anymore" said Santana softly whilst avoiding eye contact, afraid to make Dani's anger grow. "We'll talk about this later, on our own" she snapped as she glared at Quinn and left the apartment.

Santana sat on the edge of the bed, not sure what to say. "Is she always this angry, San? You look terrified of her. You'd tell me if something was going on behind the scenes, wouldn't you?" asked Quinn, visibly worried for her best friend. "Not all the time, she just doesn't handle things well. Yeah...I'd tell you" replied Santana as she got changed into her pyjama's whilst Quinn faced away.

A few minutes later, Santana had drifted off to sleep. Quinn left some food and drinks in the kitchen as well as a hot water bottle and some anti-sickness tablets. She left Santana a note to wake up to that read:

'San, I'm going home now that you're asleep. Give me a text when you can. Love you. Q x'

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