Chapter 3

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When Quinn pulled up at her place, she sat in the driveway for a couple minutes still trying to get over the state her best friend was in.

"San, I need to let you know that Brittany and Sugar are here visiting. Obviously I don't want to make you feel awkward but there's no where else we can go and you need to get cleaned up, sobered up and to sleep" said Quinn nervously. Santana shot her eyes at Quinn. "I can't let her see me in this state. I haven't seen her for 5 years Q" replied Santana, blood still rolling down her arms. With that, Brittany comes outside to see why Quinn had suddenly ran out of the house.

"Oh fuck" said Santana and hid her face with her hood. Brittany tapped on the drivers side window "Quinn what is going on? Who is with you?" asked Brittany, visibly confused. "Just tell her" said Santana.

"It's Santana, Britt. She's not safe at home with Dani and she needs to stay here, she's not in a good state. I'm sorry but there's no where else we can go" replied Quinn. Santana took down her hood and put her head back against the window, trying not to look at Brittany. Although she was drunk and in a lot of pain, she couldn't ignore the butterflies in the pit of her stomach after hearing and seeing Brittany again. It had been a long 5 years, yet she felt the same way she did when she first saw her in high school.

Santana tried taking her seatbelt off but groaned at the pain of her ribs and wrists. "Let me do it" said Quinn as she unstrapped her.

"Hi, Santana. Let's get you inside, okay? No questions, no judgement. Let's just get you sorted" said Brittany, trying to reassure Santana that she didn't need to be ashamed or self conscious despite her drinking and how she looked. Quinn smiled at Brittany as if to say thank you for accepting the situation.

Brittany and Quinn walked over to the passenger side door and slowly helped Santana out of the car, trying not to let her stumble or induce any more pain for her. Santana was still crying and couldn't seem to stop. She had been suffering at home in silence for over a year now and it was clearly becoming traumatic. She just couldn't take it anymore, she was beyond miserable.

When inside the house, Brittany told Sugar what was happening and then ran a hot bath whilst Quinn cleaned Santana's hands and face. "I'm sorry Q" said Santana shyly. "Don't you ever say sorry. I want you to understand this is not your fault. I'm so sorry I didn't realise how bad things had gotten. You're safe now, okay? You're my best friend, we're in this together now. Let's get you into that bath" replied Quinn.

Brittany stroked Santana's arm as she passed her on the way to the bathroom. They all gave Santana some privacy to get undressed and into the bath. Quinn had got some wet paper towels and went back out to her car to clean up the blood on her seats and to also get Santana's bags. She found more alcohol at the bottom of her bag and straight away threw it in the trash.

Brittany and Sugar could hear Santana wincing in pain. Brittany knocked on the bathroom door "Santana, do you need help? I can have my eyes shut the whole time, I promise. Please let me help you" asked Brittany. Santana couldn't form words to reply through her sobs. "I'm coming in but I won't look? okay?" said Brittany. She shut her eyes and entered the bathroom. Santana was sat on the edge of the bath, a towel slightly covering her. "I'm covered, you can open your eyes. I'm sorry, I just don't have the strength to do anything" sobbed Santana.

Brittany's heart was broken at the sight of her ex girlfriend so damaged and weak. Brittany had no idea she was in an abusive relationship and thought she was living her best life. "Don't apologise. I can help you into the bath but if you'd like Quinn to when she's back in, I understand. I'm so sorry you're going through this, San" said Brittany, fighting her own tears back. Santana agreed to let Brittany help her, she was past caring who was seeing her naked at this point, the warm bath water was so inviting she just couldn't wait to get in it and try to calm down.

Brittany slowly took away the towel, held onto Santana's hand and helped her sit down in the bath. She covered herself with the bubbles and instantly relaxed her tense muscles and her aches and pains.

Usually, seeing Santana naked would be like Christmas for Brittany, but not this time. She noticed every bruise, every cut, every scar. This was the first time ever that Brittany couldn't keep her eyes on Santana's naked body. It broke her.

"Just so you know, I'm here for you. I know it's been a very long time since we've seen each other, and I'm sorry that this is the circumstance for seeing each other again but if you want to talk, I'll listen. I never stopped caring about you and I never will. You're safe here" said Brittany, quickly wiping away a tear.

Santana smiled at her. "Thank you, Brittany". She was still too intoxicated, in pain and sad to have a proper conversation that night, but she knew she'd have to do some explaining the next day. Brittany squeezed her hand and left her for some privacy.

Quinn made sure the bathroom door was ajar and she sat down next to it, so she could hear if Santana needed help.

Brittany was sat on the couch, and wiped away another tear. "I'm sorry this has happened whilst you're here, Britt" said Quinn, noticing she was upset. "Don't be silly. It's just heartbreaking seeing her like that, so vulnerable and weak. I hate it. Don't even get me started on my hate for Dani" replied Brittany. Sugar was stroking her arm trying to comfort her.

A while later, Quinn had helped Santana out of the bath and to get changed into some fresh pyjamas of hers. She gave Santana some painkillers and water, and put her in her bed to go to sleep. It didn't take Santana long to fall asleep, she was exhausted.

Quinn slept next to Santana so she could be there for her in the night if she needed her. Brittany and Sugar slept on the sofa-bed in the living room and also soon went to sleep.

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