Chapter 10

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The next day, Santana woke up in her old bedroom feeling genuinely happy for the first time in over a year. She was away from Dani, away from the city that reminded her of her trauma and she was reunited with her family, friends and Brittany. She was desperate to see both Quinn and Brittany again and spend time together but she also knew it would mean a lot to her parents for her to stay home and be together for the day.

They spent the day going on walks, going into places to shop and then they had dinner at Breadstix, Santana's favourite place.

Later that evening, Santana texted the group chat that was made of her, Brittany and Quinn, asking about plans for the next day.

Santana: 'Hey guys, I've got my dads pickup truck tomorrow evening if you wanna come with me to watch the sunset and have a picnic or something?'
Quinn: 'That sounds cool! I'll be there'
Brittany: 'Yeah count me in!'

- 5 mins later -

Quinn: 'Crap. Totally forgot I've got plans with sugar and my parents tomorrow evening. I'll have to skip. Sorry guys! Have fun'

Santana knew what Quinn was doing. She knew she didn't have plans with sugar or her parents, she was just trying to leave her and Brittany alone together. She picked up her phone again and texted Brittany separately.

Santana: 'Britt do you still want to come with me? I understand if not so no pressure 😊'
Brittany: 'Of course I do! Well...only if you bring lots of food...😉'
Santana: ' Pick you up at 7pm'
Brittany: 'I'll be ready!'

She rang Quinn, telling her she knew Quinn's not so secret plan, to which Quinn just laughed at smugly.

Santana was excited, but she was also nervous and didn't want to lead Brittany on if it turned out that she wasn't ready to bring up old feelings yet. She was going to go on the 'date that isn't a date but kinda is' with an open mind and just see what happens.

- The next day -

7pm rolled around pretty quickly, and Santana found herself in her dads truck waiting for Brittany in the driveway. The truck was stocked with blankets, fairy lights, fizzy drinks, her laptop and lots and lots of snacks / food. She didn't want to come off as too eager, but she also wanted to make an impression and show she put in some effort.

Brittany soon made her way to the passenger side of the truck and hopped in. "Let's get this show on the road" said Brittany as she belted in and they shared a smile.

Santana was aiming for Old field beach, which was about a 40 minute drive from Brittany's place. They had spent the drive singing and dancing to songs, chatting about memories and life in general and most importantly, they laughed. A lot. They got there a lot quicker than anticipated...I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!

Santana pulled up into the car park, which overlooked the beach and the sun that was slowly descending into the horizon. She made sure to reverse in, so they could sit in the back of the truck on the blankets and eat all their snacks.

It was about 8pm by time they had arrived and got settled in the back of the truck, which meant that the rush hours of the beach had disappeared, leaving only them there and a few other people walking along the beach in the distance. It was so romantic.

They propped the pillows up against the truck and laid down on them, still giving themselves a view to watch the sunset. "This is really beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here" said Brittany, the sun washing her face golden. "You're welcome. I'm glad you came" replied Santana. The sound of the waves slowly crashing onto the shore and the warm breeze washed over them.

They quietly played some of their favourite songs from when they were together and continued stuffing their faces with every snack they could find.

- Some time later -

"Aaaaand there the sun goes" said Brittany, noticing the sun was no longer smothering the sky with a bright orange colour. Santana opened her laptop and started playing the movie 'The breakfast club" which was the movie they always used to watch together. "You remembered?" asked Brittany. "Of course. This was our favourite film, I can't forget that.'s a classic" replied Santana laughing.

They watched the movie as they laid close together. The fairy lights were lighting up the truck and the stars were starting to appear above them. The movie eventually came to an end, so they laid flat on their backs looking up at the stars. "I'm going to name this one Brittany" said Santana as she pointed to the North star. "Why my name?" asked Brittany. "It stands out more than the others. It has the same twinkle that I always saw in your eyes. Plus, stars are basically a ball of fire and're hot" replied Santana, trying to hold in her laugh.

"That was ridiculously smooth Santana Lopez" said Brittany, not being able to hold her laugh in. They laid there some more and talked about the stars and what they could see, which also included some shooting stars. Brittany's hand ended up resting on Santana's arm.

Santana quickly snapped out of her trance at the sky and realised they were lying closely together and realised the placement of Brittany's hand. Her mind kept flashing back to Dani grabbing her arm and not being able to escape.

She quickly sat bolt up right, trying to shake off the bad memories. "Anyway...we should uhh...get going. It's pretty late" said Santana as she started packing up the truck. Brittany was worried she did something wrong as Santana was suddenly panicking and trying to hide it. "Right, yeah, it's late. But umm San, are you okay? Did I do something? I'm sorry" asked Brittany. "Oh err, no, sorry, I just umm we should just get going" replied Santana.

Brittany helped her pack up the truck and they both got into the front, ready to set off home. The car ride was pretty silent until Brittany broke it. "I'm sorry if I've upset you" she said. Santana sighed, realising she was confusing Brittany and pushing her away. "You didn't I promise. It's just a personal thing. I'm dealing with a lot and it comes back to scare me sometimes. I've had a fun time tonight" said Santana, trying to reassure Brittany. Brittany smiled weakly, still worrying she did something wrong but also a little hurt that Santana shook her off so quickly. "I had fun too" she said, not making eye contact.

Some time later, Santana pulled into Brittany's driveway to drop her back home. "Thank you again for coming, and I'm sorry...about earlier. I just..uhh...yeah, sorry" said Santana. Brittany opened her arms, suggesting a hug. Santana copied and they shared a quick hug and a goodbye. "Let me know when you're home safe" said Brittany as she walked to her front door, sad that the night didn't end as happy as she'd have liked it to.

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