Chapter 13

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Santana avoided eye contact and sat there, numb to everything around her. The burning sensation of the alcohol as it covered the inside of her body was instant relief from her hurt. "Please just leave me alone" she said softly through her tears.

Quinn soon came running over after trying to find Santana and then being held up by bumping into an old friend. She stopped and froze when she realised Santana had broken her sobriety. "Santana why did you do this" she asked firmly. "Why not? I have nothing to lose" she replied. "You have EVERYTHING to lose. You had nearly hit 100 days of being sober as well as overcoming the worst traumas a person can go through. You have your family, your friends, me, Brittany, your progress" said Quinn, trying to not let her disappointment and frustration show.

"I don't have Brittany though, do I? I fucked up and pushed away the one person I've ever truly loved. Now she's with someone else and it's all my fault. If I don't have Brittany then there's no point in anything. My world's gone dark once again" Santana snapped as she avoided eye contact. Although Brittany was stood to the side of the booth, she was listening to the whole conversation. "Let's just get you to mine. Now, please" said Quinn and she pulled Santana up and stopped her from stumbling to the taxi.

The words that came from Santana hit Brittany hard. She didn't realise how Santana had been feeling about her this whole time or that she regretted pushing her away. She was content with Olivia, but no one would ever give her the same feeling that Santana does. She made her way back over to her friends where Olivia was, and pulled her to one side.

"Liv, I've gotta go, a friend of mine needs my help and I'm not going to let her down. I'm sorry. Here's some money for the taxi home" Brittany said as she forced some cash into Olivia's hand. "Wait so you're just leaving me here?" asked Olivia, visibly confused. "I'm sorry. Stick with my friends, you'll fit in well with them. Night, Liv" said Brittany as she swallowed her guilt of ditching and leaving Olivia there.

Brittany ran outside and jumped in a taxi to Quinn's house. Kurt came running up to the taxi before it could pull away. "Britt what are you doing? What's going on?" he asked. "I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago" she replied as she signalled the driver to pull away.

She held her tears in the whole drive there. She never wanted to split up with Santana all those years ago. They never fell out of love or cheated or hurt one another, the long distance was just too painful. She waited for 5 years for Santana, she wants going to let a girl she'd known for 3 weeks be the reason they wouldn't get their happy ending.

Brittany got out of the cab and ran into Quinn's house, where she saw Santana sitting on the sofa alongside an upset Quinn. Santana stood up the second she saw Brittany as she was confused why she had followed them there.

"Santana. Of course you have me, you always have had me and you always will have me. I don't give a fuck about anyone other than you. Yes you pushed me away, but I know you had your reasons and I know you wouldn't ever intentionally hurt or upset me. I don't want Olivia, or any other girl, I just want you. I love you, Santana. Please say you love me back" vented Brittany, not taking a single breath in between words.

"More than anything" replied Santana. They smiled and ran up to each other and locked their lips together. Their tears ran down their cheeks as they held their kiss and closed any gaps between their embrace. Fireworks and butterflies filled their stomachs as they felt the familiar sensation of each other's lips, all these years later. Every feeling, every memory and every emotion came flooding back and they were both exactly where they both wanted and needed to be.

"Fucking finally" said Quinn as she slumped back on the sofa. She was devastated Santana had gone straight back to square one again, but at the same time she was okay knowing Brittany would now be there for every step of the way to help her get back on track as she always managed to help Santana see straight and they brought out the best in each other.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Britt and I'm sorry I've ruined my progress but I know I'll always be okay if I have both my girls" Santana said to both Quinn and Brittany.

"We're always gonna be here for you San, you're just gonna have to work extra hard this time on beating this once and for all okay? We'll be with you the whole way" reassured Quinn. She soon went to sleep in her room and she gave Santana and Brittany the spare bedroom to stay in. She left them some spare clothes to sleep in.

Santana was covered in mascara stains and she stunk of alcohol, so Brittany drew her a bath to help freshen her up. "I'm just gonna go change as I don't smell too great either" said Brittany. "Hey wait-" Santana said as she held Brittany's hand lightly, stopping her from leaving. "Do you want to join me?" she asked. "Yeah, okay" Brittany replied.

Although sharing and having a bath together sounds 'saucy', it wasn't that kind of mood. Emotions were high and Santana was both full of regret and happiness at the same time. She just wanted to enjoy a peaceful, romantic setting with Brittany and then go to bed, and that's exactly what they did.

After their bath, they climbed into bed together. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than right here with you, in this moment" said Brittany. "Me either, Britt. You're the light in my dark world, that's for sure" Santana replied.

They shared another kiss and fell asleep in each other's arms.

My light in my dark world (Brittana)Where stories live. Discover now