Chapter 17

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It took everything in Santana to not burst into tears, to not run away, to not get angry. She stood there in silence, telling herself she would be okay. "Santana...why are you here. You don't live here anymore, and stand away from Emily" said Dani firmly. "I'm getting the rest of my stuff, I'll be leaving in a minute" replied Santana. Emily felt awkward being in the middle so she got up and headed for the door. "I'll come back later, I'll give you some time" she said as she took one last look at Santana with a defeated expression on her face.

Dani and Santana were alone. Dani brushed past her to go to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of wine. In this time, Santana tried texting Finn to let him know she was alone with Dani and wanted to him to be there in case it went south, but she had no signal. The text wouldn't send. "Can we talk?" asked Dani as she offered a glass of wine to Santana. Santana was shocked at how calm she was and that she wanted to actually sit down and talk instead of hurt her or shout at her. "I don't want the wine, but thanks. I don't think there's anything to talk about Dani, I'm just here to get my stuff and go. You've moved on, I've moved on. This is all still too raw to have a conversation" replied Santana swallowing the building lump in her throat from trying not to cry.

Dani noticed she was holding back tears. She got up and wiped the tear away from Santana's cheek, resting her forehead on Santana's forehead. "It's okay. This is your home, you're safe here. I've missed you, San. Emily isnt you, i just want you" said Dani in a soft whispered voice. For the first time in almost 2 years, Santana didn't feel completely frightened in Dani's company. This was the Dani she fell in love with and still had some feelings for deep down. She had so many thoughts running through her head right now. "I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry I pushed you away" said Dani, now crying.

She embraced Santana in a gentle hug whilst stroking her hair off her face. "Why did you hurt me, Dani? Everything was so good. I miss you but I can't go through it again" cried Santana, still face to face with Dani. Dani bowed her head before staring into Santana's eyes. Santana knew this was most likely all too good to be true. She was too scared to pull away, but a fraction of her mind didn't want to pull away. Dani stroked Santana's face and placed her lips on to Santana's. For a split second, Santana returned the kiss before she snapped back into reality and pulled away from Dani. "Dani no! Don't do that. You're in a relationship and I'm seeing someone. You can't do that it's not fair. I need to go, I'm sorry I even came here I shouldn't have even stayed for this long I need to go" panicked Santana whilst picking up her things and heading for the door. Brittany flashed through her head. "Oh fuck what have you done Santana? You fall for it every time" she muttered to herself.

Before she could open the door, Dani pushed it shut. "You can't come here, kiss me and then just leave to go back to your happy typical pickett fence life with stupid little Brittany. I'm the one for you, not her" said Dani sternly. Santana was now scared. She felt vulnerable all over again and all she could taste from the quick kiss was red wine. "Just open the door, I need to go. Everyone will be wondering where I am" said Santana, her voice shaky. "Ha! No they won't, they don't care about you Santana. Has Brittany even messaged you in the last few hours? Has anyone? Im guessing not" replied Dani. Dani locked the door with the key and put the key in her pocket. She grabbed Santana by the arm and pulled her back into the apartment. "I'll get you a drink. Get comfy" she said. "I don't want a drink Dani. Im sober. I don't want to be here I just want to go home, please" said Santana as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. It was a text from Brittany that had only just come through because of the bad signal.

Brittany: 'Hey San, how's it going? Been thinking about you but have given you time to get there and settled before I messaged. Miss you xx'

Santana wiped her tear away as she read the text. She just wanted to be back in Lima with Brittany and Quinn. Just as she was about to reply, Dani took the phone out of her hand. "Give that back Dani this isn't funny anymore please don't do this" cried Santana. "Aww she misses you! How freakin' charming" laughed Dani as she started to type back to Brittany.

'Hey Britt, I'm fine thanks, just here with Finn. I'm okay! Miss you too xx' Dani replied, pretending to be Santana.

"Let's get drunk and just TALK about this. It doesn't have to go badly" said Dani. She opened the bottle of vodka in front of Santana and poured them 4 shots each. Santana felt like she was going to vomit. She was terrified and never felt so lonely. She was in a room with both violence and temptation. Two things she had been working so hard to avoid and get over. Dani had a way of manipulating Santana into anything, she didn't know how, but she just did. "We always got on when we were both drunk. I'm on my third glass of wine, I'm already drunk, so I suggest you get on my level as we both know we don't get on when only one of us is drunk" slurred Dani.

Santana knew it was true. She knew their worst fights and the worst abuse was when Dani was drunk and Santana was sober, and she would do anything to avoid experiencing that again...

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