Chapter 19

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Finn stood in shock. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know where Dani was, he didn't know how badly hurt Santana was. He bolted over to her and shook her until she started to wake up. "Santana, it's me, it's Finn. What the hell happened, where is Dani? Santana wake up, please just wake up" he said softly but firmly at the same time. She started to roll over onto her back whilst clutching her ribs and groaning in pain. It wasn't until she was on her back that Finn realised how badly hurt she was. He called 911 for both the police and an ambulance.

Not only was she hurt, but she was blackout drunk. Finn just sat at the edge of the bed, holding her and talking to her until she started to come around. "Oh Santana. I'm so fucking sorry I didn't come here with you. I'm so sorry" he said as he wiped a tear from his cheek. "Where is she" Santana whispered, it was the only strength she had. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet. "I don't know, but she's not here. The police and the ambulance are on their way. You're safe now" he replied, holding her bloodied hands.

10 minutes later, help had arrived. The paramedics got Santana onto a stretcher and put her into the ambulance, whilst Finn talked to the police. "I only got here about 15 minutes ago. It was for sure her ex fiancé, Dani. She's abused Santana previously" said Finn as she showed the policeman a photo of Dani. Santana was not in the right state to be questioned by police right now.

Finn drove to the hospital as fast as he could and sat in the waiting room whilst Santana was X-rayed, scanned and everything else that had to be done. They ruled out internal bleeding and any major trauma pretty quickly, which was a huge relief for Finn to hear. Finn knew he had to tell Quinn and Brittany, but didn't know what to even say. They'd be on the plane by now, so he knew his message would be the first thing they saw when they land. He decided to text Brittany.

Finn: "Britt. You and Quinn will need to come straight to the hospital. She's okay, she's in the best place for her right now. There's no major trauma, they ruled that out. I'm sorry I've had to tell you over text. I'll be here when you get here x"

He took a deep breath and locked his phone as he slipped back into his chair, his leg constantly bouncing from nerves.

Within a half hour, a doctor came out and updated him. "Santana has unfortunately...

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