Chapter 14

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The next day was Brittany's 26th birthday. She woke up in bed next to Santana, so she didn't need anything else as the day had already started perfectly.

She woke up to Santana bringing her breakfast in bed. She had made her Nutella and banana pancakes which was always Brittany's favourite, along with a cup of coffee and a gift placed on the tray. "Wow Santana you didn't have to do this! Thank you" said Brittany. "I wanted to" replied Santana. "Now please open your gift, I can't wait any longer!"

Brittany laughed as she unwrapped the rainbow coloured ribbon and then peeled back the glittery unicorn wrapping paper. Underneath the wrapping paper was a white frame, with a certificate placed inside. Santana had officially named a star after Brittany. "You remembered" said Brittany, a little in shock. "The pick up truck date was amazing. Of course I remember stargazing with you and naming the brightest star Brittany. Now it's official. Every time I look up and see the North Star, I'll think of you. I know you'll always be watching over me and guiding me" replied Santana as she wiped a single tear off Brittany's cheek, and placed a kiss on her lips.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has done for me. Thank you, San. I love it" said Brittany through her happy sniffles.

Brittany wolfed down her pancakes, making sure to give some to Santana too before Santana sneaked off bask into the kitchen where Quinn was organising the balloons and confetti. "I think the cake lady is here" said Quinn as she answered the door. She brought the cake in and opened the box, which made Santana's jaw hit the floor. It was a unicorn cake with the words 'you are the unicorn' written underneath. It was truly perfect.

Once Brittany had showered and got dressed into some more spare clothes from Quinn, she came into the kitchen to see what was going on. The kitchen was dark and she couldn't see Quinn or Santana.

"SURPRISE!" shouted Quinn and Santana as they turned on the lights and blew their party horns. Brittany nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden noise but she soon fell about laughing. "You girls got me good" laughed Brittany.

"So what do you want to do on your special day then Britt?" asked Quinn. "I just wanna spend it with you guys, honestly. That's the perfect day for me. Although it'd be nice to have a dinner with Santana this evening if you'd like to do that?" she replied as she looked at Santana. "I'd love to" she answered.

They stayed at Quinn's for a few hours watching Brittany's favourite films and eating their favourite snacks. Brittany had made reservations at Breadstix for 6pm for 2.

After a few hours, Santana decided it was time to light the cake candles and to sing happy birthday. She snuck out to the kitchen and lit all 26 candles, then carefully carried it back into the lounge to Brittany.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Britt Britt,
Happy birthday to you

Hip hip hooray!!" sung Quinn and Santana.

Brittany gasped with pure joy and excitement when she saw her unicorn cake. In high school she would always tell Santana how much she loved unicorns and Santana always told her she was THE unicorn. The most special of all unicorns. Again she was amazed by Santana remembering all the little details. She blew out her candles and made a wish. Her wish was for Santana to have an easy recovery and that she would eventually be better, healthy and happy. That's all she ever wanted.

- 6pm -

As the two girls waited for their food and drinks to come out, they sat across from each other and held hands. "This really has been the most perfect day" said Brittany. "I loved your thoughtful gift and cake, and Quinn giving us her credit card to pay for our dinner was so sweet too".

Santana smiled at Brittany's happiness. "I'm glad you've enjoyed your day. I can't thank you enough for standing by me, Brittany. Being here with you right here right now means everything to me. You're my star, remember?" replied Santana.

They soon tucked into their meals, paid the bill and then headed back to Santana's place. Santana's parents were away for the weekend so luckily they didn't have to do the whole re-introducing process and have all the talks and catch ups.

They got into bed, cuddled up to each other and lay there for the next hour or two just talking and enjoying each other's company and warmth. They had waited over 5 years for this exact moment, they just didn't know it at the time. Neither of them wanted to be anywhere else, than right there. It was just...


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