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"Emmy! Emmy wake up!" I heard someone whisper as they shook my arm.

I groan as I feel a small pounding in my head, the white light blinding my vision.


"I'm up Benny! Jeez, what was in his recipe? Drugs?" I groan as I hold my hands to cover my head from the headache that was pounding against my skull.

"Emmy, it wasn't the drink! We aren't home!"

I pause for a moment, slowly opening my eyes again. As my vision clear, I looked around the unfamiliar room. My throat tightened up as fear crept through my veins. 

"Emmy, Emmy. Breath! Inhale, exhale, I can't deal with a passed out you again." Benny said through the bars that separated our room. 

"Breath, you want me to breath! I can't breathe because we've been kidnapped!" I yell as I begin to hyperventilate.

"Breath with me then, cause you need to calm down and breath so you don't die. Come on, inhale." Slowly we breathe in together as he holds my shoulders. 

"Exhale. You good now?"

I nod slowly and look around once more.

It looked like what WICKED had looked like. Plain white rooms with white beds. Except for this place actually had bars on the windows, and there was a metal door. I glance back at Benny who looked like he was on the verge of being sick. There was a small window separating our room, but his room was the same as mine from what I could see. 

"Where do you think we are?" I ask.

He shakes his head and looks over at me.

"I don't know. But this isn't WICKED, this is something different. Do you think we're the only ones they took?"

I hesitate for a moment before shaking my head. "I don't know. The doors, they don't work?"

"Locked, and thankfully I still have Bean with me. So we aren't alone," he states as he pulls his little lizard Bean out of his pocket.

I smile a thin smile as Bean sticks his tongue out.

A distant sound of doors opening clanging open makes us freeze in place, our eyes glued to our own doors. I glance over at Benny when the sound repeated, again and again, growing closer and closer. He returns the glance and we flinch when my door opens with a creak, and then his.

We look at each other and slowly nod.

Hesitantly we stand up and walk to the doors, I glance around the edge and sigh in relief when he is standing in front of me. We hug each other in relief before we hear talking behind me. My eyes widen as I see kids like us walking down the hall, off to someplace unknown.

"So they did do it."

I spun around at the sudden voice speaking out. The boy looked at me and sighed softly.

"I'm Nico, and I've been waiting for you." The boy introduces himself.

My brows furrow in confusion as I look at him before Benny takes a step forward.

"Where are we? And what do you mean you've been waiting for us?"

Nico rolls his eyes and walks past us. "Just follow me, you'll find out soon enough."

I blink in surprise and look at Benny who looks down at me in return. 

"What the shuck have we gotten ourselves into," I mutter.

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