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"Hey be careful!"

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as the voices erupted loudly around me. 

"Don't touch that!"

Who was in my room? 

"What did I just say, Percy."

Percy? What was he doing here?

"Hey wake up Benny! Wake up!" I felt someone tapping my cheek.

"Stop- Damn it, Leo."

I groan as light suddenly invades my eye, blinding me for a few seconds. I slowly blink as my vision returns to me, and I notice Leo standing over me.

He smiles when he noticed me looking at him. "Hey, he's waking up!"

"What are you doing in here?" I mutter as I feel myself being pulled upwards.

"We're escaping Benny. It's about time we did too."

I suddenly hear a loud explosion blow in the distance, a unsteady shaking of the ground around me brought me out of my dazed state. With the help of Leo and Jason, I was stood up, and to my surprise, I could stand perfectly fine.

I felt fine, I could move my hands and legs. I could breathe normally. I felt, stronger even. I took a step forward, cautiously before I suddenly felt a wall hit my face. I stumble back in surprise and look up to find that I had made it to the other side of the room within a split second. I turn around and see them staring at me with their mouths slack with shock.

I blinked at the crowd that was in front of me and shook my head in confusion. Noticing that something was off.

"Where's Emmy?" I ask.



Newt sighed as he walked out onto the ship's deck. It had been over a month since Emmy and Benny had been missing. And over two weeks since he had set sail towards a place that he didn't even know if it held them. He sighed as he walked to the head of the ship, placing his hands on the railing as he stared off into the distance. Waiting to see the place that had the answers to a part of his questions.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, and he turned to see Thomas.

"Don't worry too much Newt, we're gonna get her back."

Newt shook his head. "I can't just not worry about it, Tommy. This is my daughter we're talking about."

Thomas sighed. "I meant that to comfort you Newt, but I know. She's my niece, and I don't know what's going to happen."

"What's gonna happen," Minho interrupted from behind them, " Is that we're gonna get our Glader Princess back safe and sound along with Benny and whoever else had been taken by these sick fucks."

Newt smiled slightly and nodded.

"Damn straight we are," Thomas replied.

"Hey!" Sammy yelled from the top of the stairs. 

"It's time to go. The Berg is fueled up and ready to go." He said before walking back to where the Breg was being kept.

Newt pursed his lips and glanced over at Thomas and Minho.

"Let's get going," Thomas said.

"They aren't going to save themselves," Minho responded before the three of them walked to the stairs.


I sat down on the Berg, my gun resting on my lap as we took off into the sky. Thomas and Minho sat behind me and Sammy, and next to them were John and Brenda.

"Are we going the right way?" 

"Yes. According to both Ava and the map, we're about 5 miles from the facility." Sammy replied.

"In the middle of the ocean thought? How could someone build something like that?" Brenda asked.

Thomas interrupted causing my spine to stiffen. 

"They somehow did. Look, over there."

And we all looked to where he was pointing. A grey concrete polygon building in the middle of the ocean, so out of place.

Sammy pushed harder on the pedal, speeding up as the building grew closer and closer.

Suddenly and large orange and black clouds erupted from the grey concrete. Then the loud boom hit our ears. I could feel my heart drop, my arms falling slack by my sides.

"Emmy," I muttered softly feeling something sliding down my cheek.


I stare down at the sand just below my feet. My mind falls numb as my thoughts scream at me.

Emmy had been taken away from the Half-Blood facility. Artemis had taken her, and Teresa was there. Teresa was with Artemis.

"We have to find her," I exclaimed, causing them to look at me.

They glanced at each other before a loud screeching noise erupted from around us.

"Greetings Half-Bloods, you have now arrived at our second trial for you." Zeus's voice spoke out from around us.

"You are going to need to survive the next 12 days on this island that we have constructed. If you try to leave, the bombs we have scattered across the island will erupt. And you will die along with everyone else on the island. We will be watching, and hope you provided us with much better entertainment than you have done for your previous tasks."

I stare out into the dense forest that we had arrived at, shadow traveled to.

"Survive the trials we have set before you. And you will be greatly rewarded."

The voice disappeared with a crackle, and slowly we all slumped onto the floor. We thought we had escaped, we hoped we had. Only to find that we walked right into another trap.

"I'm gonna kill him." I heard Percy mutter.

"I'll help." Was echoed around the others, even Jason said it.

Then we stayed silent for a moment. Our eyes meeting and we slowly stood up.

"We can't play by their rules. We make our own rules now, they can make threats all they want, but we're the last ones." Annabeth stated.

"So what are we doing?" I asked, causing them to pause before Percy stepped towards the forest.

"We're taking back our lives. It's time that Olympus fell." He said before we all walked into the dark forest.


I stare at the ocean the moved at a consistent pace. Forwards and backward. My hand rested on my stomach where my second child was growing.

I close my eyes as I thought of my daughter and my husband. Emmy and Newt.

I hoped that he would be bringing her home soon. I didn't want him to miss the little one's birth, nor did I want Emmy and Benny to be in danger.

"YN! Would you like to try helping me with this new recipe?" Sally asked as she approached with Lucy by her side.

I smile and nod my head. "I would love to Sally. So long as it's blue."

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