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**Pads here, I do apologize for the wait. But here is your new chapter. I must say things are getting much more serious, and maybe even darker than I imagined they would be. Please do enjoy them my amazing Shanks.**


Darkness. That's all that he could see. Pitch black, no light, no shadows, just black. 

The cold metal table below his back seemed to be the only thing he could actually feel. His hands, feet, fingers. They were numb to him. His throat seemed to be closed up, enabling him to scream for help. His eyes running dry and red from the many tears he's already shed. But his ears, his ears could still hear the heartbreaking screams coming from just beyond the walls around him. 

He closed his ears, exhaling a shattered sob, yet no sound was heard. The tears glistened as they slid down his freckled cheek and hit the table with a soft pat. His fingers clenched tightly into fists as the screams fell silent, and her voice was gone once again.

His mind wandered to her, his thoughts clouded with worry and memories of her.

His Glader Girl. 

Even though, he doubted, she would never be his.

He remembered the way she comforted him when he was in a dark place. When his thoughts were telling him that he didn't belong. When he could feel the eyes of everyone around him watching him carefully.

He remembered the feeling of her fingers. How they gently glided over the raised skin, not pressing against it at all. How she didn't stare at in disgust or pity. But in wonder.

His memory of that moment was crystal clear. How bright her smile was compared to the world around them. How her words became something he would forever cherish.

"My Mom and Dad have scars, but they aren't gross or scary. Just like yours aren't too. Yours are cool cause you did something no one else has done. You're one of a kind, Benny! Plus it makes you look older!"

He nearly laughed at the memory. At how something so simple, could mean so much.

His thoughts fell silent as the sound of footsteps resonate beyond the closed door.

"What about the boy? Will he make it?" A voice asked though he didn't recognize it.

"The chances are, unlikely. It seems that despite having lived for this long, his bloodstream is contaminated by the flare. The half-blood serum is both weakening and strengthening his immune system." The other voice said before it fell silent.

"Hermes, we don't mean-"

"Be quiet! Get out of my sight." He heard his supposed father say.

A pair of footsteps scattered off before a blinding light emitted from the opening door. His eyes flashed bronze as he stared up at Hermes, before falling back into their normal blue hue. Hermes smiled weakly down at the boy, his eyes watery.

"Hey, there champ." He paused, pulling up a chair that Benny hadn't noticed was there. "How've you been doing?"

Benny stared at him, his eyes flickering with the bronze glow, like a faulty light bulb. Hermes sighed softly as he turned the chair around and sat down, resting his arms on the top of the chair. 

"Look, Benny. I know, you're probably mad at me. And I understand that really I do." Hermes said sincerely, his eyes turning back towards Benny's still figure.

"You lived your whole life believing in a lie, and you're angry that we took you from your home. Took both of you from your home! And you have every right to be." He exhaled loudly as Benny's eyes flickered once again.

Hermes closed his eyes before Benny noticed a small shine on his cheek as he turned back to him. He was crying.

"I don't know what you're thinking right now, and it's probably better that I don't know your thoughts. But, Benny, I need you to fight this. I need you to answer me and get up and off of that table. Please! If not for me, then for yourself. For Emmy!" Hermes cried out, his hand grasping onto Benny's.

But just like before, Benny did not reply. 

"Please, I can't lose another son. Not again."

Benny's eyes widened at the words before he looked away from Hermes.



The first word I was able to say since I was injected with their half-blood serum.

Hermes's head shot up at the sound of my voice, he looked shocked, relieved, and confused.

"What?" He replied.

I look over at him again.

"What happened," I asked slowly. "To your other son?"

His eyes stare into mine, widening slightly before they dart to the floor. He sighs heavily before nodding. 

"Luke, his name was Luke."


The loud slap ricocheted through the room, the cold glare piercing her skin made the fire in her heart grow. She glared at her from the corner of her eye before spitting the blood from her mouth onto the blood-splattered floor.

"You hit like a bitch." Emmy said as she leaned back on the chair. 

"And you're acting like a brat. Whining about this and that. Why can't you just give in?" Artemis hissed as she turned around and walked towards the door.

"Leaving so soon? I thought the party was just starting?" Emmy called out as the Artemis opened the door.

Emmy's smirk fell from her face as she noticed the familiar black hair and blue eyes. 

"Oh no Emmy, I believe the party just started." Artemis sneered as she walked back into the room, her silver eyes roaming Emmy's shocked state.

Emmy froze in her place, not even twitching as Artemis rounded the back of her chair and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Emmy, I believe you know Teresa."

"You'd be right Artemis, she does know me. Isn't that right Emilia?" Teresa said as she knelt down to lock eyes with Emmy.

"How are you here?" Emmy whispered in confusion. "Why are you here?"

Teresa smirked as she straitened up and walked over to the silver table that sat below a mirror.

"I'm here to give you something Emmy. A very special gift." She said with her back turned.

Emmy's breath stuttered as she stared up at the women. "Why? I had tried to protect you! I tried to let them-"

Artemis's hand covered Emmy's mouth, "Shhh, little one. You must forget the past, look forward to the future. Teresa does, now so will you. Just let your new Mother take care of all your problems and worries. You'll be my perfect little daughter. So much better than the other ones."

Emmy struggled, jerking her body away from Teresa who approached, holding a needle. 

"Shhh, just let Aunty Teresa wash away all your worries."

Emmy's eyes squeezed shut as the needle slipped through her skin, tears escaping from the corners at the pain. And slowly her body and muscles relaxed, pulling her into a deep sleep.

"Mother's here now," Artemis whispered as she released Emmy, gently stroking Emmy's hair.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I plan to update again soon, perhaps even tomorrow. 

In other news though, if you haven't already, please check out my Discord for the new teaser I put out for my new upcoming book Somewhere in Time, where Regulus falls in love with a Hufflepuff from the future.

I've missed writing for you all, and hope that this is the start of my comeback.

See you soon. Forever your,


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