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Luke held the lantern as we walked along another cold stone hallway. The lantern's light flickered, dimming as the candle's flame was touched by a breeze. 

"So this is Artemis's hellish nightmare?" He asked softly as he glanced out the open window. It revealed nothing but darkness, with the strange white light occasionally circling around.

I shook my head with a slight shiver, glancing away from the window. "No, that room was hers. And everyone who was ever a part of her hunt was there too."

His steps paused as he held his breath. "Everyone?"

"Yeah, they all had been there. Trapped as ghosts and spirits. They had left the warnings." I whispered, casting him a small look.

He shakily exhaled before continuing to walk beside me, raising the lantern a little higher. I wanted to break the silence, but then I felt a pull. Like something was tugging at my shirt. 

I glanced around me but found nothing. I frowned and noticed Luke's curious glance, a look of worry on his face. I shook my head before I felt it again, and then I noticed it. A strange light ahead of us. A floating blue orb of light just hovering about 3 feet in the air, with a slight green tint.

"What-" I paused as I notice it slowly goes further down the hall. "Wait!" 

"Emmy! What are you doing!" Luke tugs at our connected hands, pulling me back. 

"We need to follow it." I start as I look back at him. 

"Follow it? Emmy, how do you know that it's not just leading us to another trap? It could be leading us to death, or worse! It could be taking us to Kronos and we could be tortured for eternity until you undo your vow!" He exclaims, his eyes wide and frantic as he searches my face for some type of answer.

"It's not!" I argued before I felt the tug again.

"How do you know?" 

"I don't! Alright, I don't know." I say as I take a step towards him. "But something is telling me that I need to follow it. Something tells me that, that will not hurt me. And if you can't trust that, then trust me."

He stares at me with wide eyes, and I hear her words repeating back to me. Taunting me.

'I'm glad to see that he trusts someone again.'

His grip on my hand loosens as his fingers twitch. I felt a lump slowly forming in my throat.

"You do trust me, right?" I ask softly.

And he hesitated, before answering. "Of course I do!"

I pursed my lips before turning around to look at the orb again. "Then trust me, it won't hurt us."

He paused for a moment before tightening his grasp on my hand. "Alright, let's follow it then."

But the heavy feeling was still there. 


"We need to talk about this Newt," I say as I sat on the bed.

"What's there to talk about YN? You made your decision very easily and without thought-"

"I did think about it!"

"Obviously not long bloody long enough!" He says as he stands up.

I glare at him as I place my hand over my stomach. "I couldn't just sit and do nothing Newt. Not when you hadn't contacted me in over two weeks. You said you would!"

"And you promised to stay at home until the baby was born!" He yelled back, turning towards me. 

I inhaled deeply at the tears coating his eyes.

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