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--My deepest apologies for the long hiatus on this chapter, but inspiration hit me like a rocket hit WICKED. This will be a long one my shanks since I'm not entirely sure when inspiration will hit me again. Enjoy this my lovely shanks, and remember Newt loves ya, and WICKED is dead. But Zeus isn't but Kronos is a bigger dick than him. And please, everyone hold onto your seats or your favorite stuffed animals because it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Love, Padfoot--

{Yσυɾ POV}

I constantly find myself placing my hand on my stomach, which now was my pre-pregnancy stomach. 

"Your babies are fine, YN. They're safely kept in a time barrier." Icarus says to me as he passes me.

I sigh to myself, praying they truly were. And praying the Emmy was too. And that Newt, and Thomas, and Minho. Everyone I cared for, I hoped they were fine. Alive, at the very least.

"Are we sure about this YN? Something doesn't seem right." Lucy trailed off as she followed up behind me.

I glance over at her, noticing the familiar clothes to what we had worn in the scorch, during our battle with WICKED. I scoff slightly when I think back to her words, she wasn't wrong.

"Nothing about this seems right Lucy-" I start as I reach to the table on my right, grabbing my gun from on top of it. "- But I can't risk losing anyone else."

She stared at me for a moment, her eyebrows pulled down, and her lip pressed thin. "And what if we do lose them?" She whispers, her voice wavering slightly.

I could feel my own body loosen as I realise she was afraid, just like I was. Like we all were. We were terrified of losing people, but that's why we fought.

I don't know the right words, but I do know.

"Then we remember them. And hope they're better off where they are."

I silently turn on the heel, trying to pretend I didn't hear the sound of her shudder breath. She was afraid of losing Sammy, the one she loved.

And I was afraid too, but-

I glance ahead to see Sally smiling reassuringly at Paul, who was trying to hold back tears. Her son, Percy was one of the children who had been taken years ago. And even though it had been so long ago, she still had hope that he was alive.

"Are you ready Sally? This isn't something for the faint-hearted." I say as I step closer to them, heading to the second ship we had. 

She turns towards me and she nods her eyes hardening, "I've been waiting for this for a long while YN. No turning back now."

I nod my head at her before boarding the ship, the sound of footsteps following behind me.

Icarus, who was standing in the navigation quarters, nodded down at me. I sighed again.

"Alright ya, Shanks. We're going to get our family back!" I shout down to the crowd that had gathered on the beach. 

"Kick there ass YN!" I heard Gally yell, along with Sonya.

"Will do Captain Gal. Be back soon." I say before looking towards the horizon, showing the rising sun. "We're coming for ya Emmy, just hold on a little longer."


I heard a rumbling sound, something so deep, that the ground shook.

"What the hell was that?" Leo asked as he tried to sit up.

I shook my head, "I'm not sure, I'm gonna go check. Stay there."

As I moved to go outside the cave, I heard him mumble "Not as if I can go anywhere else."

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