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Silently we watched as the Kidnappers stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Chiron to explain 'things to us. I sent Benny a glance of worry, and he returned it, his brows furrowing down.

"Chiron, what's going on? Why are we now getting more half-bloods?" The boy, Percy asked as he stood up from his table.

Chiron sighed giving Percy a look. "You know I cannot discuss that with you Percy."

I stood up quickly, the bench squeaking as it was pushed back.

"Hang on a minute," I said shakily, my lungs taking in a small bit of air. "We deserve an explanation along with a few extra things cause I was at home one minute, now we're here. Where ever here is."

Benny nods his head standing up. "Yeah and who the fuck is that guy who said he was my dad? My dad's dead, I saw it happen. That's not him."

A blond girl who stood beside Percy turned to us. "That is your dad Benny. Everyone here is related to one of them. Except for you Emmy, Artemis chose you to be in her 'hunt'."

I stared at her and wheezed. "What the actual fuck is going on?" 

"Em, breath." Benny reminded me. 

"Language Emilia," Chiron said, sparking a light inside of me.

I turned to him with a look of disbelief on my face.

"Look, I was just kidnapped from my home and I am not about to stay calm! So why don't you fucking back off,  and let me bloody panic!" I practically yell at the man.

"Hey hey, calm down. I understand that this is difficult and hard, but you need to calm down." A ginger boy said, walking over to us.

I slowly sat down closing my eyes and resting my forehead on the edge of the cold metal table. Nico sighs and stands up.

"We don't have long before they're taken to the room, so I'll explain a few things," Nico says.

Benny scoffs and I look up at him to see him crossing his arms, and Bean peeking out of his pocket. "Answer a few of our questions first."

Nico paused, a slight glare in his eyes before he nods his head.

"Is this WICKED? Did we not destroy it years ago?" I ask softly feeling the memories creeping up on me.

"WICKED? What's WICKED?" A blond boy asks with a small cut on his lip.

"No, it's not WICKED. Your Mom, Lucy, and Peter destroyed it. WICKED dead." 

My eyes widen and I look up at Nico.

"How? How do you know their names?"

Nico closes his eyes and sighs again. "I have abilities, everyone here does. I can travel anywhere through shadows and raise the dead."

"Nico did you-"

He nods his head. "I had left Olympus a while ago on accident." He looks at me. "I met your mother that day. It had been a few days before she had blown up WICKED, and she had the Flare then. I'm glad to know that she was able to get the cure."

Confusion was boiling inside of me, my brain freezing and glitching as I tried to process what he was saying. 

"You, she knows about you?"

Nico nods his head slowly. "She was planning on finding me, but when she found out about her next child, she couldn't do it. She promised she would come to find me, and take everyone to your island. But then Hermes found out that you had survived." He looked at Benny.

Benny frowned his left eye twitching. "And so he took me and Emmy but not my brother? Isn't Sammy his kid too?" 

Nico shakes his head. "No, no he's not."

Benny's face falls slack in shock and he inhales sharply. 

"Emmy," Nico calls out, and I look at him. "They're coming for you now. Zeus doesn't know who he just crossed."

I smile a small comforting smile. "I know they will. But it doesn't help that this has happened."

The doors open, and everyone in the room tenses as my head turns towards it.

"What's going to happen to us?" I ask quickly to Nico as two people approach us, wearing armor, their faces hidden from view.

"Pain," Nico says with sorrow, holding on to his arm to comfort himself.

My eyes widen and I glance at each person in the room, and each one looked at the ground or glared at the guards. But did nothing to interview. Then I noticed, the thin white bracelets wrapped around each of their wrists. A small white flash erupted from them every few seconds, and I knew that something wasn't right with it.

"I'm sorry," Nico whispered.

I look down at him as my arms are grabbed and I have pulled away with Benny who was yelling. But I stayed silent. I couldn't speak as the reality slowly set in.


I called for an emergency meeting, and by that, I screamed for everyone to get to the lunch hall immediately.

"What's so important Newt? We've got a building that we need to finish before nightfall." Gally said as he crossed his arms.

"It's Emmy and Benny, they've been taken," I say lifting the letter that had been pinned to the wall. 

"What? What do you mean they've been taken!" YN screamed her hand moving down to her stomach. Lucy and Sally were quick to move to her side and bring her down to a chair.

"What does the letter say Newt?" Vince asked as he took a step closer. 

I turn the letter towards them. 



"By order of Olympus, Emilia and Benny are now in our custody and will be used in the war to come. Your lives will be spared, consider this your payment. Zeus." I say out loud for those in the back.

"God dam it." YN cursed and brought her hands up to her eyes. 

"I told you," Ava said as she left her corner. "WICKED was good. If you thought WICKED was your real enemy, your wrong."

"What do you know about them, Ava? Tell us." Thomas orders her whilst glaring at her.

"Grandma, please." Aris pleads.

Ava sighs. "Olympus was formed a little after WICKED. And they are so much worse. But we couldn't find them, we had tried. What they did to the kids, the kids we had found. It was horrendous."


Hi! I will be doing updates every Monday! Hope you liked this chapter!



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