|14| - The Secret

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Emmy huffed as she sat inside the pit or the jail of the Glade. Her eyes gazed through the strips of wood tied together, the light bleeding between the cracks.

"What's going on Emmy? Where are we?" She heard Luke say in the pit next to her.

She turned her head towards the wall repeating them, seeing small glimpses of him through the sticks.

"I think we went back in time. Or went to a different time of some sort." She said as she turned to look for any Gladers nearby. 

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Because." She started as she realized the Alby was walking towards the Pit. "If we went back in time, we would have seen a little me running around with flowers."

They both fell silent as her words hung in the air. And she realized that something about this Glade wasn't right. Not just that she didn't exist here. But a strange tension was in the air, and it wasn't just with the arrival of the two of them.

She held her breath as Alby crouched down in front of the Pit doors. 

"Are you going to run this time?" He asked them, glancing between both doors to look at them.

"No." That was what Luke said before Alby turned to her.

"And you?"

She hesitated, knowing that the time she had spent growing up with her father had given her a slight accent. One that she couldn't hide easily.

"No. I won't run." She responded before swallowing the lump in her throat.

Alby's brow twitch upwards just slightly before he nodded his head. 

"Alright, good. Then it's time for you to see the rest of the Glade. Come on." Alby said before opening the doors to let them out. 

Emmy inhaled deeply before stepping out into the familiar rounds she had walked a million times before. She crossed her arms uncomfortably as she felt eyes on her, knowing some of them did not belong to the beetle blades. She relaxed for a moment as a hand touched the center of her back, Luke gazing at her in concern. She sighed softly before she let her hands drop to her side, his hand skimming down before locking their hands together. 

Alby let out a slight huff as he noticed their hands interlocked, to which Luke was quick to question.

"What was that for?" 

Alby turned around, looking at Luke as Luke tensed in anger. 

"Just surprised really. Most Greenies would be terrified out of their minds, not as calm as the two of you. It's almost suspicious, the way the two of you are sticking together."

Emmy raised her brow before frowning. 

He was right. Even in her earliest memories, all the Gladers hadn't been as well adjusted as they were. But then again they had their memories, while the Gladers couldn't remember anything other than their name after a few days. 

"We arrived together, woke up together," Emmy explained. "With no memories, who else should I trust? The one who arrived with me and is going through the same thing as I am? Or the ones who shoved us into a different box?"

A part of Emmy felt slight pain, a pinch in her heart. She had once been on the opposite side of this argument, agreeing with Alby and her Mother's decision. The pit was to help the Greenies calm down enough so that they wouldn't be a harm to themselves and others. Or at least that's what she was told when she was younger.

Alby sighed and nodded slowly. "You're right. But something about the two of you is suspicious. We'll figure it out sooner or later. But for now, let's just get you adjusted to the Glade. You'll be given your jobs later on."

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