|15| - The Fallen

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When night had fallen, and the Gladers were all asleep. Luke and Emmy looked over at each other with a small nod.

'So, have you figured it out yet? Other than that you're dead in this timeline?' Luke had said through their minds.

She shook her head with a sigh. 'Nothing yet, but I did figure out how I died.'

He raised a brow before crossing his arms behind his head as he rested in his hammock. 'I'm not sure how that'll help us escape and get back to our time.'

Emmy huffed and tapped her fingers against her arm as she stared up at the artificial stars.

'Maybe we have to fix it?'

'Fix what?' Luke asked as he turned to look at her.

'Maybe we have to fix the problems with this time, make it so it's like ours-'

'That would take too much time, not to mention that you are dead in this world Emmy. Dead with a capital D. Nothing can bring you back from that Emmy. So it can't be that.' He interrupted causing her to pause and look at him.

She sighed and nodded slowly, with a sad look on her face.

'I know that. But I don't like seeing them like this.' She said softly in his mind before turning onto her side.

Luke sighed audibly before getting up from his hammock and walking to hers. She blinked slowly as he crouched down beside her hammock, locking eyes with him. His fingers brushed a lock of hair behind her ear before he sighed.

"We'll figure it out Emmy, and we'll find our way back home." He whispered to her before she grabbed his wrist.

"Thank you, Luke." 

He frowned slightly before chuckling and shaking his head. "What for Ems?"

She smiled before leaning on her left elbow, sitting up slightly. "For trusting me."

He paused staring into her brown eyes, suddenly aware of the space between them. He huffed with a smile on his face, shaking his head again. "Of course Ems, I trust you with my life."

Her smile widened before she leaned over and kissed his cheek. "And I thank you for trusting me, and I trust you with my life as well."

His breath halted in his throat, but before he could say anything, a sound of a stick snapping erupted behind them.

He turned around swiftly, eyes wide as he stared at the shadowy figure.

"Stand up, both of you."

It was YN.

Emmy glanced at Luke before standing up beside him, their hands connecting like magnets. 

"I knew something was off, that something was wrong with you two. But, I had never expected this." YN started as she stepped towards them.

"I overheard your conversation with Newt. How you're an Emmy from another future. How did you survive Emmy? What did we do wrong that made me lose her?" YN asked anger and sadness on her face.

Emmy shook her head. "I don't know-"

"How did your family become happy? How did you escape?" YN said loud enough to start awakening the Gladers around them.

"I said I don't know!"

"YN, what are you doing-" 

"Slim it, Gally! These two have memories, just like Nick did. They know the way out." YN hissed before turning towards Luke and Emmy.

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