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"The Beach?" I hummed, I tilted my head as if to get a better understanding and clearer view of the red spray paint on the large buildings entrance.

Chishiya chuckled, "Doesn't look like a beach to me"

I agreed with him and I looked toward the male beside me staring curiously at the building. "The spray paint looks like it was done recently, do you think we should check it out?"

"Even if there's no one there we're going to stay, you do understand that the building ahead of us is huge. We could live like royalty, together" Chishiya announced.

"There's no living like royalty in a world like this" I stated solemnly, glancing away from 'The Beach'.

We both exited the structure of the bridge and descended our way to the supposed Beach, a large and grand building thats almost too conveniently placed for our situation.

It was a grand and rather expensive hotel - that was obvious just by looking at the exterior- with its many windows plastered around the building and the fact that I had once known about the grand opening of the Seaside paradise hotel, with its luxury atrium and numerous rooms, the grand chandeliers that had been imported from abroad.

I wondered if it was a set up, I couldn't trust anything anymore - Not that I did anyways.

I could only trust Chishiya, and nothing had changed as he was the only person I trusted even before we were in this distorted reality.

"What are you thinking about y/n?" Asked Chishiya confidently as he held his hand out to help me down the stairs but however kind his offer I rejected it.

"Don't you think this place is just too convenient?" I hummed aloud.

Chishiya nodded wearily, "Who knows? maybe it's the headquarters for the people who make the death games" He joked playfully, calmly.

"Headquarters?" I yelped quietly, "People who make it? What are you trying to say? This place is man made? these games are man made?..." the questioned erupted from my lips, and I hadn't realised that I'd been holding back the many questions I wanted to ask as we walked around today, together "someones making us do this?" I asked suddenly, finding that a strange feeling tugged at my heart strings. 

A feeling of despair, of disappointment.

Just how could one enjoy watching the deaths of so many individuals?

"I could only guess so" he remarked, and he glanced at me as we continued forwards, "These are games, they all have their makers" He admitted and Chisiya paused in place, looking around at the large atrium we'd now stepped inside.

I'd noticed the large and unmissable chandeliers shining beautifully on the ceiling; twinkling like stars surrounding one another, the atrium was large enough to hold 100 people, grand stairs lie before us and we found ourselves looking around in awe at the place.

It was obviously expensive in the time that it had stood working as a normal hotel but could now have been the refugee station for people trapped in the new Tokyo - or even Japan.

"What have we got here, newcomers?" Asked a new voice, it had startled me and instantly I'd lifted my eyes down from the chandeliers and towards the new voice coming from the hallway ahead of me.

The man held a gun, and he looked at me with hungry eyes.

His hair was a similar length to Chishiya's but dyed black and his piercings shone in the light that had surprisingly worked in the building despite the fact that all electricity had seemingly been cut.

He had a scary aura as he approached me, and that wasn't just the gun he was holding propped in his arm like a toy, his whole look was just as intimidating as his walk, his outfit, his face, his eyes.

As he came closer with the gun perched too comfortably on his shoulder I identified the piercing's on the male's face, two large piercings by his right eyebrow and one on the right side of his nostril; it had given him the impression of being extremely threatening and tyrannising, yet , he looked rather young even as the look he aimed for was generally seen on men, not boys.  I supposed as he walked towards us with a smirk that was the aim he had intended for; intimidation.

He'd stopped infront of me abruptly and his peering eyes looked at me up and down as if a mere animal to wander over, and his smirk grew a little. "I like the look of this one" he stated, I couldn't understand who in particular he was talking to but I knew he was talking about me as he reached towards my head.

His slim fingers were approaching me quickly before a shadow had cast over my eyes.

"She's with me" Said the voice of the male with me, Chishiya, and he had stepped infront of me for a moment to grab the man's wrist. Chishiya glared at the new face in the large area, and the other male scoffed a little bit, obviously unimpressed with the intrusion.

Chishiya threw the man's hand back down to his side in a violent matter.

The black haired male peered over Chishiya shoulder with a brazen smile, "We'll finish that off later" He winked.

My stomach churned a little with his actions, his unmistakable flirting so blunt and clear that I could only feel frozen in surprise with the behaviour.

"No you won't. She'll be with me later" Chishiya retorted, and he turned to me, lowering his voice, "Come on, let's go y/n"

I nodded quickly, finding the trust I put in Chishiya was noticeably strong.

We'd taken a mere step before a new voice had echoed around the area, a loud and confident voice that had come from above. "Come on Niragi, don't scare away the newcomers"

I turned slowly with Chishiya - he was strangely stuck to by my side as if protecting me, he made sure I was close to him and was on the road to leaving first if the man had reached forwards to grab me he wouldn't be able to for Chishiya's body protected my own.

I hadn't had the chance to take in just how defensive Chishiya had been and even as we turned to the voice on the balcony over the stairs I noticed that Chishiya was still standing infront of me with his hand softly outstretched as if protecting me from any harm.

"You'll find your answers here" Announced the man, and he was dressed as if at a beach - an actual one - his brown hair a little scruffy as it fell down his neck, he was surprisingly well groomed with his facial hair too and looked rather clean and unaffected by the world they were now in.

It was as if he was okay, safe.

"All of them?" I asked softly, the words slipping from my mouth.

"All of the ones I have the answers too!" The man chortled. "So what do you say? Join me, join us! Join the beach"

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