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"I found it!" And the voice had been muffled, as expected, dotted with the static if they walkie talkie they'd used to communicate through.

Almost instantly had Chishiya looked away from me, grabbing his walkie talkie just a little tighter as he glanced towards the device in his hand, there was a hint of evident relief within his eyes that was unmistakable.

"So, what's the passcode?" Quizzed Arisu quickly, he was breathless, his voice distant and it were clear he were anxious with the predicament he were caught in.

But my stomach had sunk, a sadness cast over me... an unwanted realisation that this were where the plan were going to eradicate itself entirely.

A realisation that Chishiya's selfishness was going to shine though.

"It's 8022" Chishiya stated so simply, I looked towards him curiously as I found myself leaning on the banisters of the second floor watching over the crowd beneath me.

Chishiya stared back at me comfortably, he didn't seem nervous at all and it was obvious that his ever so intelligent mind had carefully calculated his own private plan to an array of questions that Arisu could possibly quiz him on surrounding the passcode.

I hated that smugness on his face within that moment, but I couldn't quite erase the obvious feeling of dooming relief; Chishiya kept me safe for the entirety of my time within Borderland and with his absolutely insane plan he never did use me in a way where I could be in danger, therefore, I'd found myself so selfishly relieved that I was beside him and the only one to know his true but so cruel intentions.

Furthermore, as I lingered on the idea that he were doing it all for me I did feel privileged.

Maybe it wasn't so bad to have used others as sacrificial pawn in an intense chess game you had to win.

"Did you see the contents of the letter?" Arisu quizzed, noticeably confused in his tone... but for the first time I didn't have the sudden urge to speak, I didn't have the idea to have warned Arisu that he were being led into a trap.

I just simply stayed quiet, standing obediently and watching the pool of anxious faces below me, it was always interesting to realise that no one else was currently aware of the private plan just Chishiya and I knew the real intentions of, they were each so oblivious and overcome in mourning and fear that they weren't focused on anything else other than themselves and Aguni's proud speech.

"No, but Aguni's expression told me everything" He lied, lying came so easily to Chishiya that it was an ability I found both comfort and discomfort in. It made me wonder if he'd ever lied to me, lied about something so substantial but I'd just never realised it, "That moment he opened the letter Aguni's face looked dark. It was as if he was surprised and perplexed. I'm sure the contents must be empty"

It was a great lie, one that made me glance towards Chishiya... but he had already been staring back at me, fiddling softly with the walkie talkie, watching me almost intently as if his eyes hadn't left my frame since the conversation started.

His eyes were filled with that noticeable want, that passionate desire I found difficult to deny him of.

"Empty? Then what about the passcode you told me?" Arisu asked, shocked. His tone were evidently more nervous now and I could imagine that the churn in his stomach with Chishiya's words was so grand.

Maybe the makeshift breakfast Arisu ate recently was beginning to spin in his stomach to create a nauseous feeling all over him.

Chishiya chuckled a little with Arisu's words, maybe he was laughing at Arisu's lack of knowledge too because although Arisu was smart Chishiya was always going to be smarter. "The wax seal" He said simply, as if the answer was obvious, "It was embossed with the boss' ring, and it formed numbers. That was the code itself, it's 8022"

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