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I'd walked in alone, the bright sun had shocked me as I entered the grand room, the yellow hue had overwhelmed the area which had usually been cast in a darkness as the meetings fell at midnight.

But it was the feeling that hung ever so evidently in the air that had really taken me by surprise, the lack of happiness or even comfort that had previously been there had now ceased to exist.

But I'd understood why once I had lie my eyes on the scene ahead of me, looking at the table the important members of the beach had surrounded.

And a fear had overcome my emotions, eating me alive and consuming any previous content that had once been there... that was in the past now, distinguished within a matter of moments, gut wrenching thoughts had surrounded me as I noticed it; the cause of the eerie sadness and tense ambience.

Hatter... lifeless before me on the table, his hands placed weakly beside him presenting a smaller gesture that he always used to do when praising the wall of cards, his body was pale white and accompanied with the tint of blue presenting the lack of blood, his clothes had been unusually and flawlessly cleaned to perfection, like always.

The breath had hitched to my throat as I walked inside just those few steps further to the end of the table I was too perturbed to be any closer to the deceased man.

Uneasiness had cast over the room, however, it wasn't quite as extreme as I had once predicted. Some of those standing by his body hadn't been as frightful as I.

It was the painfully obvious calmness that had scared me, but, I looked past it with the belief that their turmoil wasn't presented on their faces, instead that fear was consuming them mentally.

Furthermore, it was Keiichi and MiRa who hadn't surprised me with the calmness... they were usually calm on their exteriors.

Yet, the footsteps approaching me had alarmed me for I was trapped in my mind offering me thoughts about Hatter's death, was it during the game? Was the game the 10 of hearts he had been so set on acquiring? Were the looks of peace surrounding his dead body looks of thankfulness of unpresentable fear?

"Hey y/n" Chishiya had whispered so silently I struggled to translate his words, his gentle speech, Arisu followed behind the male with eyes widened noticeably as he realised Hatter's dead body lying ahead of him. He too presented that fear I had been longing for someone else to share, to present so obviously on their faces.

The pair had successfully entered together to my surprise.

I had merely nodded in the silence a halfhearted greeting, I was too afraid of speaking too loud in the overwrought atmosphere, but Chishiya had never been afraid of things like that. He never cared what others thought of him.

Chishiya had seemed calm about it too, so calm in fact I wondered if he really realised what was happening; It was going to be a domino effect, his death would lead to the eventuate action of our plan but also the obvious fall of order at the beach.

And once again the silence had been broken with the shuffling of the new bodies entering the room, Ann had rushed inside with Tatta behind her and she took no time to rush to the table with widened eyes and a face riddled with so much shock she had been frozen for a second.

That was the reaction I had expected, but maybe it was because I entered after the others I had missed it.

"It seems like he couldn't clear the game" Tatta stated aloud, I had almost begged him to hush for his words in the room were so obvious and almost painful to hear... what else could have happened? "The maintenance team found him by chance in Shinjuku while we were refilling gasoline"

Ann stepped forwards again, this time approaching the table Hatter lie on and placing a hand close to his face in order to evaluate him- that's what she had been good at after all, her forte.

"Hey, don't touch him as you please" Interrupted Niragi, and instantly my stomach churned. It was beginning already, the loss of power between the executives... for the militants now had their own freedom. The man had walked past her, "You dissection maniac" he muttered, amused, his gun held weakly as usual... just like the first time I had met him he never had lost his habit of hold the guns as if they were accessories.

Ann retreated, but, Chishiya shuffled closer to me.

"He was shot" Ann evaluated, "Did his game involve guns?" She has asked to no one in particular.

"Most likely" Tatta answered, "Some of those near the game area heard gunshots too"

And I had suddenly felt that warm feeling over my knuckles again, the soft hand brushing over the back of mine, the quick brush of his hand again.

I decided against looking towards him, too afraid that my sudden diversion of attention would lead to some unprecedented death... my own, so I had merely allowed his touch to send a shiver down my spine.

Chishiya's eyes presenting care, an obvious worry towards me.

"Oh my. He should have brought the militants along with him!" Niragi called, clearly pleased, a smile hidden behind his features fighting so painfully to show itself, fighting so terribly to reveal itself despite the unfortunate news that had been presented to the crowd... strangely, he thought his words were extremely amusing.

He was simply with the wrong crowd.

Chishiya had glanced towards Arisu who leant forwards just a little on his feet as if ready to let something slip past his lips - Such an Arisu thing to do, to speak or act before thinking - and Chishiya had shook his head softly, an indication to stop... to stand down, for there was never any point in trying to fight Niragi especially when he had the gun in his hands.

"What's going to happen to the beach?" Asked a male, I recognised him as a friend of Tatta's. He had gulped a little, his voice shaking.

"Keep this a secret from the rest. They'll be shaken by this" announced MiRa, ever so calm, she addressed everyone in the room with eyes that never wavered and a voice that hadn't cracked.

Keiichi had stepped forwards, "I'll be the next leader since I'm number two" He spoke, so calmly, it was almost as if he had been preparing to say those exact words for so long... for the he finally had his moment in which he could finally take his place as the leader of the beach; just one step closer to his own escape.

And suddenly my hand had been completely concealed, so quickly shoved behind my back as he scooted just a step closer to my body to hide the space between us.

This time I looked at Chishiya completely despite the sudden tenseness that had overcome those standing in the room... I was sure now was the best time to meet how coffee tinted eyes.

And his eyes were polite, almost shy, but dancing with his own confidence of his actions and his relief as if he had been mustering up the courage to clasp my hand in his own.

But it hadn't gone unnoticed by me just how perfectly our hands slot together, almost as if they were handmade just for eachother.

"Wait a second... shouldn't the strongest person be the leader?" Asked Niragi as he stood by Keiichi Kuzuryu now, so close in fact even Keiichi had begun to show a sense of uneasiness.

But I confirmed it mentally to myself, even with the comfort of Chishiya's hand in my own, that the fight between the militants and the executives was going to begin.

"Y/n" Chishiya had whispered through the tense silence of Niragi's lingering words. "Don't let go of my hand, please"

And he made it obvious then; despite everything happening around us his main priority truly had been me and my safety.

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