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Chishiya had invited only me to stay in my own room after he had returned to the beach after his game despite Kuina's presence, he seemed to completely ignore her presence in the moments he had looked at me with his slim brown eyes and directed them to my bedroom door.

He'd came back with the taser he'd been building and I noticed by the way he held it in his hand that he'd used it at the game he attended only moments ago.

I was agitated with his decision to ask so bluntly for Kuina to leave just so that he could talk to me in private but thankfully she stated that she was tired anyways and wanted to sleep; the look she gave Chishiya didn't go unnoticed by me, her nervousness danced behind her eyes as if she were trying to apologise to him for divulging the intention of the grand plan to me but Chishiya couldn't identify the look behind her eyes.

Chishiya, as annoyingly usual, sprawled himself on the grand bed in my room and looked up towards me with such an annoyingly attractive look behind his oak eyes as he carelessly tossed the handmade taser to the air and caught it a few times.

"Don't throw something so dangerous around" I stated snatching it away from him and evaluating it carefully, afraid of a wire springing free or a wild spark jumping to freedom. "It's not a toy"

Chishiya had been very resourceful in the things he could create with the wires around him. He'd occasionally asked me for help in the days we were stuck together with nothing to do and he'd accompany me in my poor attempt to build his music player and earphones that rather surprisingly worked, therefore he'd offered it to me a few times before I had got incredibly bored of the songs that were on there.

He'd helped me lift the wires to the correct positions and held over my fingers carefully to help guide them, shockingly whenever he helped me he was surprisingly helpful.

The complete opposite to the past.

In the past Chishiya would merely look at me as I struggled with something and whenever I asked for his help he would just raise his eyebrows stating that I should "Try again because it's easy"

In my youthful years as a child I listened to him and continued to attempt the work ahead of me, sometimes I understood it but the times I didn't I would pester him until he stated I was annoying and leave me with an unanswered question - or more - that I couldn't understand.

I hoped that his change in attitude in helping me build his absolutely absurd decisions had come from a place of regret from all of the times that he would leave me on unresolved questions and a snarky remark.

Chishiya chuckled gently, "I know... I used it twice today and it worked" He bragged.

"You did?" I asked a little surprised with his words, almost thankful that it had been able to save him... interested in his story of the game he had participated in I had made my way to sit beside him crossing my legs and allowing him to sit up to look at me as he did so.

The close proximity of his face had taken me by shock... I was still nervous in his presence.

"I let another girl use it.. if I didn't we wouldn't have won"

"Clubs game?" I hummed curiously.

He nodded. "It was intense, the worst part was Aguni didn't wave back at me" He sighed, shaking his head as if deeply disappointed in the minor inconvenience.

I scoffed at his decision to throw in a playful comment before I looked at his hair parted perfectly. "How was the game? Why did you call me in here alone?"

"There was a boy at the game today... a boy that interested me" He admitted, "He wasn't like everyone else, he wasn't playing just so that he could survive but he was playing to help others survive"

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