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Niragi, despite my protests, had taken me with him to see Hatter who was relaxed on a chair at the end of a large table; the table before him was being filled with cards won in games today.

The room was pretty much empty - most of the games hadn't finished yet was what I had heard from a man standing by Hatter, either that or they were all dead.

Mira the woman with bangs, an executive member with a somber smile, was sitting at the table holding the playing cards in her hands as she looked at them carefully, stroking the outline of one with her slim, pale fingers.  A hearts card.

"We've got a new one!" Niragi called as we'd stepped to the end of the table, he held up the card showing it off for a moment as if it were a valuable and expensive possession before sliding it across the table smoothly and watching as Hatter clasped it tightly with a twisted smile falling upon his features. "Y/n got it for us" Niragi said looking towards me he smirked and quickly he licked his lips.

Shuddering, I looked away meeting eyes with Hatter who looked at me with a raised eyebrow, he seemed galvanised with Niragi's compliment.

Mira had looked at me too, the small smile never leaving her face as if she knew something and was hiding it... a smile filled with a strange sense of comfort as if she were protected - I assumed it was because she was an executive member. However, as she met eyes with me I had noticed her smile switch to that of a kind one, a benevolent smile, almost a welcome. "Good job, Y/n" Mira said slowly and she allowed her eyes to smile with her. "Maybe you could be useful to us"

"Y/n your boyfriend is looking for you" Hatter said quickly, unexpectedly, and he met my eyes after admiring the card Niragi had shoved towards him with a grand smile and widened eyes (it wasn't hard to interpret that the card had given Hatter inordinate amounts of joy... After all only he was one step closer to leaving with the arrival of new cards not yet on the wall behind him)

"Chishiya?" I hummed, reminded of the fact that Hatter believed there was a romantic relationship between Chishiya and I, "Hes alive?!" I yelped as hope ate at my feelings, like a deep wave filled with only relief I had been consumed by the feeling all too suddenly and it ate at every fibre, every feeling and every inch of my body drowning me suddenly.

"Yeah, the only one to survive his game" Hatter chortled as if impressed by Chishiya already and strangely I took pride by the small compliment. "He's in the dining area"

I'd excused myself almost immediately, just slimly missing Niragi's hand as he reached towards me in hopes of keeping me by his side just a moment longer- I was thankful for my quick movements and I left in a hurry.

Although I didn't know my way around the area I had rushed around the hotel as if I knew where my frantic search would take me, I'd rushed down halls and took turns where I didn't know the ending of until I had mustered the courage to ask a teenage girl, hair meeting her shoulders and plump lips accompanied by nervous eyes and beauty spots dotted over her face, just where the dining area was in which she had pointed to the grand double door down the hall without uttering a word.

I had thanked her quietly before rushing quickly towards the doors with feverishness eating me alive.

The dining area was plastered with tables, it wasn't very busy as most people were outside in the pool relaxing after their games or simply celebrating the wins that had occurred by someone else. The pool was filled with people and the sunbeds were pratically all taken, music radiated around from the large speakers outside and it was almost deafening even from inside the beach.

The tables were almost empty in the dining area; a complete contrast to the outside. A few people were scattered around on them eating minimal meals and I'd walked around slowly noticing that the place seemed a lot more somber and lugubrious than the party outside. People were trying to get their friends to eat, individuals were comforting one another and a few people were crying softly.

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