Chapter 24 - Wanna Have Some Adventure?

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The next day, Diana went back to work. Everyone was looking at her like she was guilty of something. Marina and Monica were the ones who talked to her first. They hugged her, and hugged them back. Monica said, “Thank God you’re alright!”

“Thank God I’m still alive,” Diana said. Suddenly, a man called Diana. “Diana?”

All of them let go of the hug, and Diana saw the man: Leonard. “Hey, Leonard.”

“Diana, uhm, I’m here to apologize about what happened 2 days ago. I’m sorry I was steadfast, and I didn’t know you actually have panic attacks and other disorders,” Leonard sincerely apologized. Diana also apologized to him. “Well, I’m sorry for overreacting as well. Honestly, I’m not into dating right now, but we could be friends, right?”

“Totally,” Leonard quickly accepted the reality. They both shook hands like nothing happened 2 days ago. After that, Mr. Dawson called Diana. “Diana, you’re back!”

“Yes, Mr. Dawson, I’m still alive,” Diana said as she approached her mentor and hugged him. As he let go, he said to Diana, “There’s a gift awaiting for you backstage.”

Diana went to the backstage to find the gift, only to find a yellow bucket with a note on the tall wooden stool. Diana held the bucket and read the note:

Wanna have some adventure? –Jesse


Diana rolled her eyes and smile. She was flattered by Jesse’s actions lately. So she decided to call Jesse. He answered on the 4th ring.

Diana: “Hey, doofus.”
Jesse: “Have you read my note?”
Diana: “Duh, why?”
Jesse: “So, wanna have some adventure?”
Diana: “But we both have work to do!”
Jesse: “After work, then?”
Diana: “…sure…?”
Jesse: “Well, see you there in… 3PM?”
Diana: “Yeah… okay!”
Jesse: “I have to go now. We were just practicing some songs.”
*Jesse shuts down the call*

Diana’s cheeks was flaming hot red because she was very delighted to see Jesse. But then, she realized that something… is not right. “Wait, why do I feel like this towards Jesse? He’s just a very supportive friend, that’s all.”


When 3PM stroke, Diana went out of the auditorium holding the bucket and looked for Jesse’s car. When she saw him inside his vehicle, Diana knocked on the front right side so Jesse will notice her. When he saw her, Diana waved. Jesse unlocked the door and Diana opened it to go inside. She shut the door and greeted, “Hi! What’s up?”

“Since you brought the bucket, get 5 papers there and we’ll do them all before sun down,” Jesse instructed. Diana asked, “Why sun down?”

“Just do it, okay?” Jesse said as if he was going to throw a surprise birthday party to someone. Diana just opened the bucket and grabbed 5. She opened each one and read them one-by-one.

“Go to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and take a funny picture with a sculpture.”
“Eat a big triple-scooped ice cream within 10 minutes.”
“Leave the car exactly after finishing one of your jams from the radio.”
“Buy 5 balloons and give it away to children.”
“Ride a rollercoaster.”

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