Chapter 29 - That Was Awkward

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Diana recognized the man who interrupted them. “William, is that you?”

[A/N: Liam Payne as William Feynman on media.]

“‘Sup, my couz?” the man said with a hint of British accent as Diana approach him for a hug. He was wearing a green Princeton University sweater and sweatpants. He has messy brown curly hair, and his teeth got braces. Diana let go of him and said, “Will, you changed your hairdo!”

“Yeah, lots of ladies think this is cool on me,” William joked, but Diana warned him, “Hey, no heartbreaking!”

“Seriously, Diana, we’re men, we know what we do,” Jesse interrupted, still in front of the door. But William asked, trying to attack Jesse, “Hey, who the hell are you?”

“Guys, don’t fight!” Diana said as she went in the middle of them. Actually, Jesse does not look tensed at all. “Chill, Englishman.”

“I’m British, not English-”

“Hey, stop it,” Diana warned both of them, and they both calmed down. She introduced them to each other so they will at least be calmer at least. “Jesse, this is my cousin, William Feynman, Aunt Janet’s son. William, this is my friend-slash-apartment-mate, Jesse Dawson, the son of my mentor.”

Jesse offered his hand, but William crossed his arms. He said for peace offering, “Sorry for mislabeling your race.”

William shook Jesse’s hand. “Make sure you won’t be an asshole to Diana.”

“Don’t worry, I’m the one who protects her against those assholes,” Jesse said before releasing his hand. Diana said, “Since you’re now truce, we should get going. Let’s just talk tomorrow in my aunt’s house, okay?”

Diana and Jesse went inside the apartment. Jesse was laughing, but Diana shot him a serious face. Jesse told her, “What? Admit it, he was funny!”

“No, you were being an a-hole to him. He was just like that to you because Derrick used to belittle him,” Diana explained, going to her room. Before she closed the door, she told Jesse, “And I’m serious about tomorrow. Good night.”


The next day, Diana and Jesse went to Janet’s house. Unfortunately, for Jesse, William opened the door. “You again.”

“Diana! Jesse! C’mon in! I made chicken curry,” Janet said, going to the door next to her son. Diana and Jesse went in and sat on the chairs from the dining room. William sat in front of Jesse, giving him a death glare. Jesse tried to ignore the man. Janet arrived with a large bowl of hot chicken curry and sat on the edge seat next.

While eating, William was talking about what happened in Princeton, and Janet was very proud of her son. Their topic was more about cars, since he was taking Mechanical Engineering. Since William feels superior, he asked Jesse so he could him, “Hey Jesse, what college were you from, and what course did you take?”

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