Chapter 4 - Helena Beat

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After the next 15 days, Diana got more requests than ever. In fact, she never expected this would happen. There were some requests though those were declined by Diana because she needs some rest.

Right now, she was playing with her purple inhaler inside her room. She was lying on her queen-sized bed pretending she was smoking. With her condition, she was prohibited to smoke, but her doctor told her IF she wants to 'smoke', pretend that her inhaler is her cigarette. She was having fun by that time, until someone barged in her room full of vapor. "Oh my goodness gracious, Diana, what on Earth are you doing in your life?! Are you smoking?! Wait, it's weird though that the smoke doesn't smell bad-"

"Aunt Janet, I wasn't smoking!" Diana said as she laughed out loud at her aunt's reaction. Janet was mad and at the same time confused. "Then what were you doing?"

"I was just playing with my inhaler! That's just vape. Don't worry, I'll open the window to get rid of the vape-"

"Why are you wasting your inhaler?" Aunt Janet asked still mad. Diana told her, "Auntie, I spend my money on this. In fact, one percent of my money goes to inhaler."

"Just... open your window and get rid of that vapor," Aunt Janet ordered her but she was a little bit cooled down now. So Diana raised the blinds to open her glass window next to her bed on the right side so the vapor will go out. Diana commented, "Wow, I didn't know it's already night time. Maybe I slept a little bit too long this time."

"But why is your schedule jam packed? Don't you want to take a rest?" Janet asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Diana sat next to her and said, "THIS is my rest day. I'll have a gig tomorrow, formal party; then 2 days from now, ballet recital- Oh my gosh, I don't have the Swan Lake piece!"

[A/N: If you don't know Swan Lake, you could just play the music on the right >>>]

"Have you seen the new music store 3 blocks from here?" Janet asked. Diana was clueless because she has not seen it yet. "Wait, what music store? Is that a legit music store with guitar and piano sheets and not a record store filled with trashy pop music?"

"According to my fellow colleague who is a Music teacher, she told me it's filled with instruments and instrument sheets. Not to mention, the music store owner sells things in low price!" Janet shared. Diana was curious about this new music store. "What's the name of the music store?"

"From what I've remembered, I think it's Helena Beat? Not sure, but close to that name," Janet said. Diana asked, "Helena Beat, like the song of Foster the People?"

"What's Foster the People? Is that a new movie?" Janet asked. Diana forgot that her aunt was not updated when it comes to the latest music. Despite that, Diana felt relieved after knowing that new music store. "Anyway, thank God there's a new music store nearby. I'll just buy that piece tomorrow morning before I go to my gig. I need to rest first."

She lied on her bed again. Janet said before leaving the room, "Make sure you'll rest, not play with your inhaler!"


First thing in the morning when she woke up, the first thing that came into her mind was to buy the music piece, Swan Lake. She took a bath and fixed herself. She only wore a gray hoodie, black jogging pants, and pink Nike Air running shoes. Her long, blonde hair was placed in front of her body as she wore the hood. She wore her earphones plugged to an iPod Shuffle which is located in the pocket of her hoodie.

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