Chapter 1 - Let's Just Go Home

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(13 Years Ago…)


This is the start of the story. The girl, when she was 15, wanted to audition for the high school orchestra as a pianist. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun with a plastic chopstick. She was wearing a short black dress fitted for a future member in an opera. She did not wear any make-up, but she was still beautiful. Right now, she was lined-up with her fellow schoolmates who also want to audition. Right now, she was holding her audition piece – Canon in D major. That was the piece used during her parent’s wedding. They gifted the piece to her when she was 6.

{A/N: If you don't know what Canon in D is, it's on the right :)}



(9 Years Ago…)

“Mommy, daddy, are we there yet?” the girl, when she was 6, asked her parents. Her eyes were covered with a red handkerchief. She was wearing a polka-dotted white dress. Her parents wanted to surprise her for her birthday. Right now, her father was supporting her while her mother was walking with them. Her 30 year-old mother, who actually resembles her features, replied, “We’re almost there, dear!”

[A/N: Danny Pino as Diana's father on Media :)]

Few moments later, they made it in their destination. The mother removed the hanky so her daughter could see. As expected, their daughter was surprise because she never expected this would happen.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” everyone in the party room shouted. They sang Happy Birthday to her while her parents brought out the big pink cake. The girl was overwhelmed with happiness, so she cried tears of joy. The room was filled of happy children with party hats, colorful balloons, shiny streamers, kiddie chairs and tables (but there are also some for the adults), a big Happy Birthday banner with the theme Disney Princesses, and of course, gifts wrapped in cute wrappers.

After singing Happy Birthday, the mother said, “Make a wish, Diana, then blow the candle after.”

The girl closed her eyes as she wished in her thoughts. “I wish I could be a famous pianist someday, and my parents will be proud of me.”


After wishing, she blew the 4 candles, and everyone in the room cheered. Next, her father announced, “Time to open up the gifts!”

They were lots of big gifts, but she chose the smallest one first. It was in a rectangular shape, more likely in a form of a book. The wrapper was just plain black, and the ribbon was lavender. She saw the card and read it. “’Happy Birthday, Diana! We love you! Love, Mommy and Daddy’ Thank you so much, mommy and daddy!”

The room was filled with awe because of that. She carefully opened the gift, and it is “Canon in D major? Oh my gosh, a new piano piece!”

“We know you wanted a new piano piece, but all we can give you right now is the piano piece used during our wedding,” her father explained. She was not disappointed, but she was overwhelmed. So she hugged her parents and said, “This is the best gift ever! I love you so much!”

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