Chapter 9 - You Only Had One Job

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  • Dedicated to Margie (for reading this story lol)

It was already around 8PM when Diana went home. She went to the dining room to check if her aunt was eating dinner, and she was right. “Hey, Aunt Janet!”

Janet stood up and inspected her niece by touching every part of her body. “Are you alright, Diana? Did anything happen to you? Are you injured or anything?”

“Auntie, I'm alright, I had fun, and nothing bad happened to me,” Diana lied. In fact, she needs to use her inhaler right away. Janet asked, “Did you eat well there?”

“Yeah. Anyway, I have to go upstairs; I'll just tell you tomorrow what happened. I'm tired,” Diana did a fake yawn and went up.

She went inside her room and used her inhaler, which she got inside her drawer full of inhalers, but that was the last one. She thought, “I have to buy another batch of inhalers tomorrow.”

She was lying on her bed reminiscing about what happened awhile ago. The good news was: She and Laura will be meeting again next week. But the bad news was: She just knew the music store owner (a.k.a. Jesse) is Mr. Dawson's son. For Diana, this was one heck of a day.


The next morning, Janet saw her niece in the dining room staring at her phone while drinking a cup of coffee. She sat in front of her and asked, “What's going on?”

Janet saw Diana's picture with Laura from yesterday. Janet asked, “How are you and Laura?”

“We're both fine,” Diana answered. Janet was very interested to listen what happened to her yesterday. “What else happened?”

“I met the groom,” Diana shortly replied. Janet asked again, “What else?”

“I met a lot of guests, but it's not worth it to talk about,” Diana replied. Diana wants to share what happened to her and Jesse though, but Janet might get angry and Diana does not want to see her mad. Diana shared, “Laurie and I will be meeting each other again next week.”

“That's great!” Janet was happy for her niece. Diana added, “And I also found out that Laurie's husband is my mentor's son.”

“Mr. Dawson's son? So you'll be seeing each other during your meeting with the orchestra?” Janet asked. Diana was unsure about it. “I don't know, probably they're busy from work. Anyway, I need to shower now, we have a meeting.”

Diana finished her coffee and went upstairs. As she was walking, she remembered what happened yesterday. “Damn, I wish that Jesse guy won't appear later.”


Diana just went inside their private auditorium. Everyone was circled around in groups, probably talking about the arrangement. But there was a new face inside who was not really that new to Diana. She sat with 2 women from the woodwind. She asked, “Mind if I sit with you?”

“Sure!” Marina, the white girl with brown hair, told her. As Diana sat down, Monica, the black girl, asked, “Have you seen Mr. Dawson's son?”

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