Chapter 28 - Only 23

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The next day, Diana went to Francesca’s Church organization and brought Laura along. The building looked very grand for an organization. The lobby looked like the one in 5 star hotels. Diana and Laura went to the concierge. Diana said, “We’re looking for… Francesca Sacramento. Is she around?”

“Room… 328. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor, and go to the right, then the second left,” the lady informed.

So Diana and Laura went inside the elevator with mirrors inside. It reminds Laura the elevator in her workplace. Diana pressed 3. When they reached the 3rd floor, they followed the lady’s instructions. When they made it, Diana knocked on the door, and Francesca opened the door. “Ladies, you’re late.”

“Sorry, my friend’s shift ends at 2,” Diana apologized. Francesca asked, “So you brought along your friend as well for vocal lessons?”

“Not really, but we’d like you to help us practice a song for her sister’s birthday. Also, her name’s Laura Wynman. Laurie, Ces. Ces, Laura,” Diana introduced them to each other. The newly acquaintances shook each other’s hands. After that, Laura asked out of the blue, “I noticed this building is actually exquisite for an organization. May I know who the designer is?”

“He’s actually a part of this community! Mr. Michael Wilson,” Francesca answered. But then, Laura realized, “Wait, that’s my boss. No wonder the elevator has mirrors similar to ours!”

“Anyway, what performance are you talking about?” Francesca asked, going back to the topic. Diana replied, “Dancing Queen. ABBA.”

“So you need only vocal training? No pianist or guitarist or any other agenda?” Francesca asked, and Diana asked, “You play piano?!”

“Yeah! Would you like me to help you out?” Francesca insisted, and Diana nodded. So the lady continued, “C’mon in and we’ll get started!”


After a tiring day of vocal exercises, Diana and Laura went to Café Minneapolis. They just ordered Chamomile tea because they were not in a mood for coffee.

“By the way, I just noticed Alison is turning 23 and yet she’s still in college. Why?” Diana asked. Laura explained, “Well, she took the exams in ALL Ivy League schools. You know how my parents could get, right? When she realized she failed in all of them, it took her a year to move on. But then, Globe gave her a scholarship since she was an honor student when she was in high school.”

“Ouch, that hurts. She’s like the total opposite of Jesse. He passed ALL Ivy League schools, and they even offered him scholarships, but then he received the one in Harvard,” Diana shared. But then, Laura just laughed at her. Diana rolled her eyes and asked, “Is there something wrong sharing something about Jesse?”

“It’s just that… Are you sure you don’t have feelings for him? Because I swear, you guys are like a couple, minus the kissing and sex part,” Laura thought. Diana felt disgusted at the last part though. “No, I don’t think of that! Well… except for the kissing part, I guess.”

“Holy shit, YOU REALLY LIKE HIM! May God give Diana a sign that Jesse likes her too,” Laura was very happy for them, like she was fangirling at two people she ships. Diana tried to change the topic instead. “Anyway, back to Ali-”

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