back at sea [bonus chapter]

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A/N: Hii, this is a bonus chapter for 'Flowers at sea'  in case you missed it and thank you everyone for reading thus far-- I've haven't been writing for more than a year so I apologise if it's a bit rusty. Please note that this special chapter is written in Adrien's POV for a little change. Enjoy!


I glanced out of the car window, head resting on my palm, watching as streetlights pass by on the empty freeway. It was a cold, dark saturday night and my head was empty except for the thumping of the car as it ran over rocks and potholes.

I turned my head to the left and there he was, Luka Couffaine. I had always thought of it as such a pretty name, one that I can't stop thinking about. I stayed there for a moment, just staring at him, nothing but him. His blue ocean eyes, the ones that were fixed on the road, the way he unconsciously bites his lips when he's concentrating, or how he always made sure that i was comfortable and insisted on doing little things like driving, for instance, for me even though I'm fully capable of it myself-- I couldn't ask for anyone better, he was the definition of love for me.

Sometimes I just can't believe that we are together, it feels like a dream, one that I never want to end. He's just so unbelievably perfect in every way, sometimes I just wish he could see how he looks in my eyes rather than obsessing over the way other people do. I wish I could do more for him, I know he deserves so much more than the life he lived. He always keeps stuff to himself and reassures me that it's okay to not worry me. I just wish he would trust me with his emotions, because I do know, I do realise how he looks at me every time we kiss, I see the sorrow beneath that hopelessly loving face. I do notice him when he's going through episodes, I don't know much about what he's been through but it's painful when I have no way of helping him if he doesn't want me to get involved. Every single day, he's constantly telling me how much he loves me. I hope he knows how much I do too.

On ordinary car rides, the car would be blasting with music where we would be singing without a care to old rock songs, where I would sneak glances just to see the smile on his lips. But now, zooming past forests and lights on an empty night, there was some sort of silence in the air, not the bad type but those that make you wanna doze off as you lose track of time.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going now?" I asked for the third time today.

He let out a small laugh, "You still haven't figured it out?"

"Well, when you mentioned a birthday date I didn't expect it to be 3 hours away."

"We're almost there," he tried to hold back his grin, "You'll like it, I promise."

"I know I will," I laughed, "but couldn't you pick somewhere nearer, what's with his oh so 'special place"?"

He stepped on the pedal with a smirk, driving faster than before, "You'll see, take a look outside."

And I did, the view that was initially filled with the dark shadows of trees were now cleared up to the majestic scene of the beach, the water glowed a dark blue and the moon could be seen clearly now, shining upon the crashing water.

I gaped at the scenery in awe, "Wait, is this--"

"Yeah, it is," he said with some satisfaction, "the place where it all started, I've been wanting to come here with you ever since we started dating, hope it was the surprise you wanted."

My heart started drumming in my chest, the colours of the sea looked like the ones I see in his eyes in the moonlight, I thought to myself. I had always held it against myself for not remembering much from our first encounter, only glimpse and pieces that I've tried my best to recall. I just wished that I hadn't disappointed him, I wished I hadn't broken his heart, I feel like it's my fault although I know it's not.

flowers at sea -lukadrienWhere stories live. Discover now