-10- you broke my heart

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"Luka!" Juleka slammed my door wide open, "You have a visitor."

I expected it to be my Mom again, but instead a familiar someone stepped in front of her uncomfortably.

"Hey," Adrien waved awkwardly, letting himself in, "Your sister insisted I come."

I sighed, "Come in," I said in defeat.

Juleka nodded with a smile before closing the door shut, leaving me and Adrien in my room.

"What did Juleka tell you?"


"What did she say to make you come here?"

"O-oh," he ruffled through his gold locks, "she just said it was urgent and she really needed me to come, it sounded so important I cancelled the modelling plans for today."

"Thank god," I scooted over, "C'mon, sit down."

He sat down beside me, "Umm, actually, what am I supposed to do here?"

"Nothing," I waved my hands, "You're here to make my sister satisfied so she can leave me alone, the therapist probably told her something crazy and asked her to do this."

"Oh, and err-- about that day..."

"Yeah, but before that... Do you find me familiar? I mean-- when you first met me..."

"Not really, did you?"

"Kinda, you were in my dreams," I didn't want to look at him, I was afraid it would happen again, the hallucination, the delusions, whatever.

He didn't say anything for a while.

"Not in a creepy way," I assured, "The first time this happen, you were in my dreams, the second time you were there and started the delusions. I bet I'm going cuckoo."

"What happened in your dreams?"

"You were around a decade younger and said 'Hey, I like your playing' and 'I am Adrien, seven years old', kinda stupid, does the words sound familiar to you though?"

He shook his head.

"Yeah, I figured," I scoffed, "No way that's real."

"A decade is a long time," he stated, "Long enough to forget."

"You think so?" I popped a candy in my mouth, "I doubt it, what's your favourite flower?"

"I-I never really thought of that, the sunflower, I guess."

"Hah, coincidence. My sister is literally treating me like a prisoner and listens to whatever the hell my therapist says, talk about siblings."

"My father keeps me in my room all the time too, even hired the gorilla to make sure I don't go causing trouble."


"Sorry, habit. My bodyguard."

I picked up my laptop and typed in 'Plage Boutrouilles beach' and turned over the screen for him, "Been here? In Brittany, this exact beach."

"I've visited Brittany for a photoshoot when I was about... seven... what?"

"Guess we met there by this beach, that's where all the delusions come from, my life is getting weirder and weirder anyways."

"I don't remember..."

"Of course you don't, you must be the person I was waiting for last time."


"You told me you'll come back to the beach the next day and I was there waiting, you never came. I don't recall much, but turns out it was a big deal for me."

"Oh," he seem flustered, "Sorry, the photoshoot must've ended early for be to say I'll be there."

"I didn't have friends back then, you were the first that came up to talk to me, can't blame you either."

I took out a box containing my old photo and showed him one I took around that time, with Juleka, I pointed to me, "Ring a bell?"

"You didn't dye your hair," he pulled the photo from my fingers, "Luka? You say."

"You were seven, can't expect you to remember."

"No, seriously, I do. It just came to me, you were the boy playing the guitar, right?"

"Will talking to you stop the delusions?" I questioned, looking up at my ceiling.


I turned to him, gazing into his fresh green eyes once more, twinkling, shining, that's what he was doing, "Yeah, Adrien. I was playing the guitar, and are you the boy that broke my heart 8 years ago?"

He didn't look embarrassed by the question, "Yeah, I was the boy who broke your heart."

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