-13- I won't look back

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I parked my van outside the studio, I expected an apartment studio but by the looks of it, Adrien had rented an entire building as a studio, probably meant for large bands or choirs but I guess for a famous model this wasn't surprising at all.

I opened the door slowly to a huge space with a huge stage at the front, my voice echoed through the dim lights, "Hello? Anyone here?"

I turned a corner and saw everyone sitting in a circle in the middle, they were waving at me, I walked over to them.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

They returned the greeting, I can't help by unintentionally staring at Adrien, he drew my attention right away, he returned the glance and I looked away, he smiled, I blushed. End of the story.

"Emm, Luka?" Juleka tapped my shoulder, "There's someone I want to introduce you to."

I looked in her direction and beside her was a new girl I've never seen before, she had pigtails and cute bluebell eyes, she looked shy and petite, she was definitely cute, if I wasn't gay I would have blushed, madly.

"Hi, I'm Marinette," she told me, "I'm not in the band but I heard about it and really wanted to help."

I nodded understandably, "Nice to have you here, I'm Luka."

"She's the designer of our stage clothes," Juleka noted, "she does amazing designs."

"It's the least I could do," she waved it off like it was nothing.

She took out a sketchbook from her backpack, and showed me some of her designs, dresses, suits, costumes. "Am I eligible?" She asked.

"Of course, we'll accept any help, there's no need to ask me."

She flipped into another page, revealing another type of costume with a detailed cat mask and spike shoulder boards. "I kinda designed this on a whim, is this okay? I can work with any changes."

I thought for a moment, "We'll do minor changes later on, let's focus on the songs and practise first."

Adrien walked up to me, "Yo Luka, is the song going okay?"

Marinette jerked up in surprise, I raised my eyebrows, the tone he spoke in wasn't even that loud.

Adrien seem to notice it and turned to her, "Oh, hey Marinette," he smiled, "How are the designs? Was it approved?"

A pang of jealousy shot through me, firstly, the question was supposed to be directed to me. And second, the way he smiled at her was the same way he smiled at me, glowing, shining...

"O-oh, hey Ad-rien" Marinette stuttered, "Lu-ka said that it's better to focus on the son-g first. Haha."

"It's approved," I bit my cheeks trying to hide my frustration, "I said that minor changes will be decided later on."

"That's great, Marinette! I knew your designs were gonna get in." Adrien congratulated, shoving her slightly on her arm with his fist playfully.

Marinette face turned cherry red, she stared at him for a moment like she couldn't understand him, "Oh-h, Tha-nks. It was nothing, really."

I looked at them, smiling, talking, they had so much in common, how they're both into designs, they're both perfect in terms of looks and how they just seem so... close.

Of course, they were classmate, they see each other everyday at school. What am I to him? A friend's brother? A band member? I can't match up to what they are anyways. He would simply cast me aside without a second thought if he were to choose.

I'm an idiot for thinking I was special, that I was something to him.

I backed away quietly, I couldn't stand to watch them, it pains me. He won't even notice that I'm gone anyways, I turned my back as I took my leave, I won't look back, not at them.

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