-8- what is wrong with me

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It's been 2 weeks since then and I barely leave my house, Juleka had taken a leave for her school and stayed at home accompanying me. The therapist comes in every week to diagnose my 'condition', I keep saying nothing is wrong with me but they don't listen, they never listen.

I've never felt so hurt, useless and insignificant. Mom even drove all the way here to check on me, the expression she give me just fills me up with diluted anger. Nothing is wrong with me. I don't know what are they talking about.

"Luka," Juleka opened the door to my room, "I've brought in your breakfast."

"I can walk to the kitchen myself, Jul. I'm not handicapped."

"Not until they properly confirm what's happening to you."

I pushed the tray away from me, "Why don't you believe me? There's nothing wrong with me."

"Having hallucinations, delusions and almost fainting is not normal."

"I just need rest," I sighed, "You-- no- everyone here is acting like this is a huge deal, especially you. Listen to me, call off the therapist and go to school, you're just causing trouble for the both of us."

"I need to know that you're okay first."

"I am okay!" I shouted, "Which part of me is abnormal? Am I missing a limb? Have I lost an eye? I don't like this, I don't like any of this! Please, just listen to me."

She bit her lips and shook her head, "I'm doing all this for your sake," she said softly, "You should understand that."

"You just keep saying that!" I raised my voice subconsciously, "Stop trying to make yourself feel better by doing these unnecessary stuff!"

I could feel the words cutting through her, her face getting frailer every second, yet I didn't care, I kept talking, my emotions overwhelming me, "Everything wouldn't been fine if you didn't do this, you think I'm going crazy, don't you? I'm not crazy, there's nothing wrong with me. You're just making me feel so... pitiful and helpless. I can take care of myself! I don't need your stupid help!"

I shove the tray from Juleka's hand to the floor, shattering the glass bowl, she shook her head, eyes filled with tears, "You know something is wrong with you, the Luka I know wouldn't say that, you were this loving, kind and selfless brother I looked up too. I don't know what happened to you, but I know you'll do the same for me. I'll sweep this up and bring you another bowl."

She left without another word, I looked down to the food and glass shards scattered across the floor, I sunk my face onto my pillow.

What is wrong with me?

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