-24- love you too

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My head went spinning, why was the there if he said he couldn't come? This was so embarassing-- way too embarrassing. Does he know I was singing of him? God, of course he does, who else would I sing of with that type of description.

We got off the stage, Juleka ran up to me immediately, "What the heck! Luka!" she laughed, "Was that song for Adrien? Oh lord, that was so unexpected! If he was here--"

"Adrien?" Ivan cocked his head to a side, "What does he have to do about this?"

Beside him, Rose put her hands covering her lips, her mouth wide open, "Oh my god, you like Adrien! I-I didn't even know!"

"Juleka!" I yelled in frustration.

"Damn, sorry." she apologised flatly, still smiling.

Ivan was a little slow to it, "You? Like Adrien? Wait, you're a girl?"

"No, of course not!" Rose turned to him, "He means he's gay and the song he sang was for Adrien!"

Ivan formed an ' :o' face like he never heard about that term before.

"Guys, can you please stop talking about it?" my face turned cherry red, "I-it's really embarrassing."

Rose jumped up and down excitingly, "OMG, I totally ship the both of you, wait.. but Marinette--"

A new voice came from behind us, I jerked up in surprise, and turned around. There was Adrien, standing behind us, "Hey everyone," he greeted, "Sorry I couldn't make it, at least I got to hear your performance though, it was good, I wish I could be there."

The four of us stared back at him silently.

He patted his face frantically, which I admit was kinda cute, "Em, is there something on my face?"

Juleka stepped in front of me, "No, we were just surprised that you came! You should've told us you weren't coming, it was a huge let down for all of us."

"I'm sorry, stuff just came up and--"

"Well then," Juleka interrupted him, forming a triangle with her fingers, "the three of us should really get going, we wanted to get dinner together, right guys?"

Ivan and Rose nodded enthusiastically.

I wanted to call out on them for intentionally leaving me alone with Adrien, but before I could even protest, they had hurried out of the area.

There was the sound of the next band performing on stage, the loud noise of people talking backstage, the cheering and hooting of  the audience, the coloured lights flashing across the place, blinding me at times.

Everything seemed so perfect with him here, it was like he had shut off all the noise, making me focus on him, only him.

"Did you like the song?" I managed to choke out, trying to remain composed.

"Which song?"

"The last one, I saw you in the crowd after the song."

"Of course," he smiled innocently, making me breathe in sharply, "It was very nice."

My grip tightened on my guitar strap, turning my knuckles white, "Stop playing dumb, you know what I'm talking about."

His face expression changed slightly, from a smile to a worried wince, "Did you really mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"What you sang. Was it a declaration of love? An indecisive crush? Or was it nothing, just a lyric, empty, deep and pointless."

The last three words sliced through my heart, it sounded like I was doing something wrong, the way the said it made me feel guilty for no reason at all, like he thought that might be a possibility, like it was meant to be filled with futile sorrow.

"I meant every word." I whispered so soft I doubt he could hear me through the racket, "Every one of them."

He smiled, I couldn't make out whether it was of pity or because he heard my reply, it didn't matter, if he smiles for me, that's enough.

He walked closer towards me, I stepped back a step instinctively, "Say it." he told me, his voice sounded isolated, like no one except me could hear it, words only meant for me.

I stared into those green eyes, how they shone? I don't know. He had always been a mystery to me, a question mark I didn't want to solve. He was so close I was scared he could hear my heart beat increasing, thumping like I'm having a panic attack.

"If you mean it, say it." he repeated, this time a soft whisper, I could hear his breathing, slow and shaky.

"I'm in love with you," I finally said, letting go of my clenched fist, "I've always loved you, Adrien."

He didn't react, he lifted up my hand, putting his and mine close, side by side, palm to palm, like he was comparing our finger length. His fingers were so short and thin, it looked so fragile next to my long bulky fingers with visible veins trailing up under the skin.

He looked at it for a moment, before closing his fingers on my hand, I did the same, his hand felt so warm, like sunshine or green hills, so small and delicate, unlike my hard and manly-like fingers. Somehow, it felt like they were meant to be, my hands protecting his, his hand next to mine.

I didn't say a word, and he didn't either. I didn't want this moment to end.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, seemingly unbothered by the kind of question he was asking.

I stared at him in shock, the question took me by surprise, I didn't know what to say or what to do, everything just froze in time. Apparently he wasn't waiting for an answer because the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.

At this point, he leaned so close to me that we were chest to chest, his heart beat and mine crossed each other I couldn't tell which belonged to whose. My hand tensed up and he squeezed mine tighter. His lips tasted like peppermint and lime, as if he just chewed gum. Through my closed eyes, my mind went blank, all I could think of was him and him alone.

The crowd cheered for the band performing but I couldn't help but think that they are cheering on for me, it felt so surreal I couldn't think straight. That 8 seconds or so felt like an eternity, he pulled away, letting go of my hand while doing so, his arms wrapped around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

He hummed something in my ear, something so soft it was like he was talking to himself. I brought my hand up to his head, ruffling through his wavy blonde hair, he smelled good, like flowers, like the song.

"Yes?" I asked, responding to his soft humming.

"I love you." he mumbled, readjusting his fingers on my back, "I really, really, really love you."

"I love you too."

flowers at sea -lukadrienWhere stories live. Discover now