Chapter 13

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  Stretching out my arms and back as I walked down the hallway, I was trying to think of what I wanted for dinner. I was in the mood for barbecue. Maybe pulled pork.

  Reaching the opened door to the kitchen, I paused when I saw Mick and Amaya talking about some bottle of booze. Now I had a choice to make.

  Try to ignore Mick while I got food, or just wait until he left.

  "You were right." Amaya smiled. "The bad guys really do have more fun." She grabbed Mick's arm to pull him down to her level and kiss his cheek. "Not that you're a bad guy."

  Walking away, I rolled my eyes while shoving my hands into my pockets. I'd just come back later. I really wasn't interested in interrupting or seeing more of whatever moment they were having.

  If Mick wanted nothing to do with me? Fine. If he was more interested in Amaya? Whatever. See if I cared.


  "You're all idiots." Mick popped off before shoving a donut into his mouth to take a bite.

  "Excuse me?" Sara raised a brow.

  "Pot, meet kettle." Jax retorted.

  "Yeah, Mick. Given your glass house, you shouldn't throw stones." Ray added.

  "Mixing metaphors isn't going to solve anything." Stein waved his hand.

  "How about instead of bickering, we figure out our next move against the speedster and his allies." Sara put her hands on her hips.

  "'Legion of Doom' has a sexier ring to it." Nate waved his hand.

  "I'm not calling them that. And we need to figure out a way to rescue Rip."

  "All you gotta do is trade the Amulet, or the Medallion, for the Englishman. It's really simple." Mick waved his donut before taking another bite as three more donuts with chocolate glaze sat in front of him.

  "The only thing is, I don't know how it works." Nate stated while lifting the mentioned object.

  "Hmm. You're an idiot." Mick pointed.

  "You want to put an artifact that can rewrite reality into the hands of the enemy, and we're the idiots?" Amaya stepped out.


  "Our priority has to be identifying this speedster."

  "Of course, you'd say that. I mean, he is the one that killed your boyfriend, so...." Jax shrugged.

  "He's at the center of this, and you can't defeat an enemy that you don't know."

  "Look, Amaya's right." Sara raised her hand to gesture. "And I hate to say it, but so is Mick."

  "I'm not an idiot." Nate and Ray said in unison while making faces.

  "Not about being idiots. About using the Medallion as leverage. But first, we need to figure out how it works."

  "Well, in my defense, it's a mystical object. It doesn't come with a set of instructions."

  "Maybe that's been the problem, approaching it from a mystical vantage instead of leaning into our strengths, which are-"

  "Technological." Ray pointed at Stein, and he nodded.

  "Exactly. And as it happens, I have a colleague in a Central City whose knowledge might prove to be advantageous."

  "Gideon, set a course for Central City, 2017. Jax, stick with Martin. And let's work on putting a name to our speedster." Sara pointed as she walked towards the ship's controls.

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