Chapter 3

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  I could hear the hydraulics as the doors slid open before I stepped into the room. In one hand, I had a tray of food, in the other, I was flipping a bottle into the air and catching it repeatedly as I walked. Glancing to the left, I saw the big male watching me with an angry glare as I rounded the cell.

  "Rory, right?" I questioned, knocking the glass with my knuckle to open the slot to push the tray through. "Hope you're hungry. Gideon said you were a beer guy, but I thought it best not to give you alcohol....or glass, so got apple juice instead." Shaking the bottle a bit to show it off, I then slid it through the slot along with the tray.

  He didn't move at all, just kept glaring, and I felt the urge to fill the silence that was dragging on.

  "So, I've heard some things about you. I gotta say, you're not what I imagined. I mean, Snart said you were a big guy, but...." I gestured while raising my eyebrows at him. "you're fuckin' huge." The man's brows furrowed even more at me.

  "And you're tiny." Pursing my lips, I nodded.

  "Okay, yeah, I deserve that one." Mumbling, I scratched the back of my head.

  "Who the Hell are you?"

  "Oh, I'm Logan. I'm, uh....I'm new."

  "No shit."

  "I'm also the one that drug you in here." I impulsively shot double finger guns at Rory, and he didn't blink while looking at me for a few solid seconds.

  "Logan, huh? Let me give you a bit of advice." He stood up and walked across the cell. "Leave while you still can." Rory picked up the tray and juice. "Before they leave you to die in the woods like they did me."

  "....You do realize I'm better equipped for survival in the woods than you are, right? Not to mention I really wouldn't care if they did, hardly know any of them." I leaned onto the corner of the cell. "Hell, even that would be better than what Gideon said I'd end up doing."

  "Let me guess- boring people to death by talking?"

  "Nah, re-incarceration and dying alone in a nursing home."


  "You heard me." I chuckled. "You and Snart aren't the only ones with a criminal history onboard anymore." Sighing, I glanced at the door. "Anything is better than that, honestly."

  "So Rip picked you up since you don't matter to history like the rest of us."

  "Actually, no." Rubbing my chin, I raised my eyebrows. "Was out one night for a run and just happened to find the Waverider. I'm pretty curious, so I just strolled on in. Spent some time wandering around, hung out in the brig, broke out of the brig, hung out in the kitchen with Gideon, then got recruited onto the team." Rory just looked at me, not saying anything, then grabbed the sandwich off the tray and bit into it.

  "You broke out of the brig?"

  "Apparently the glass isn't fit for my brand of meta-human." I tapped on the glass nonchalantly.


  "Since the introduction of our latest line of autonomous law enforcement officers, crime has dropped precipitously." The woman explained as Raymond, Jefferson, Stein, and I were following her through the extremely clean and large building. "In fact, it's nonexistent." She continued, walking past displays showing off tech.

  "Really? Well, thank you for showing us around, Dr. Brice."

  "It's my pleasure." The redhead smiled. "We don't get very many visitors from Central City ever since the S.T.A.R. Labs Corporation took it over." My eyes drifted to a tall screen showing a blueprint of the autonomous officers.

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