4- Overheard

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Wandering through the park holding my basket full of light blue fish swimming in orange juice, I made my way to the rabbit store. 

"I'M STILL WAITING FOR MY GLITTER TREE" I yelled at Ms. Wynter as I walked through the door.

"YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME DIE IN THE BUCKET! WATCH OUT FOR PHONE CALLS!" she yelled back. I reached to choke her but I grabbed air and woke up.

I was laying on the floor in Iris' room. Then out of nowhere I had a sudden urge to use the restroom. So I went out of Iris' room and into the third floor hallway. I tried to open the hallway bathroom door, but it seemed like someone was already in there. I resorted on going downstairs to the 1st floor because nobody is allowed to go into the restroom on the 2nd floor. So I went to the bathroom and did my thing. 

As I was coming out of the bathroom, I heard faint snores. I crept closer to see what it was only to find Mrs. Mark sleeping on the couch. The tv was on the local news channel and it seemed like she was calling someone before she fell asleep. I'm guessing that Mr. Mark didn't show up again.


I hid behind the kitchen counter so that just in case she woke up, she couldn't find me. I honestly didn't know why I just did that. Hiding in a house that's not mine is a one way ticket for people to think that you are suspicious

"Hello Jessica, it is two in the morning. What do you need?" Mrs. Mark asked. Silence.

"Oh my.....Danger....mhm....mhm...so Clara is in danger?". 

"Danger?!" I got up and asked, worried "What do you mean 'danger'?!".

"Yes, yes, that is her, I'll call you back." Mrs. Mark said, as she hung up the phone. She came to me from behind the counter and said "Go pack your things, you need to get home quickly." As frightened as I was, I couldn't do anything but obey due to all my previos adrenaline running out and went back upstairs to put everything into my duffel bag. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Iris said groggily.

"Home. I'll explain to you when I have the chance." I said at the doorway.

"Text me." She said before falling asleep again.

Back downstairs, I put on my sweater and put my sneakers back on. Mrs. Mark led me outside to her car and drove me down the quiet road to my apartment.

"Don't worry darling, we're almost there." She reassured me. I just nodded my head because I didn't know what to say. 

Soon, we were outside of the complex. "Do you want me to help you inside?" She offered, as I stepped out of the car.

"No thanks, and thank you for everything Mrs. Mark." I said after closing the passenger seat door. 

"Anytime, Clara." And with that, she drove out into the night.

I got into the tall building, pressed the elevator button to level 5 and the door closed. I pulled out my phone and started texting:


I'm on my way


Hurry! You don't wanna miss this




believe me

we're on the same page and I'm just waiting for you to come to figure it all out

Finally the door opened again and I ran down the marbled hall to apartment 517. I knocked five times in a row. The door was opened and I was greeted by my twin giving me a strong hug. I, of course, returned it. Then she pulled me inside. Then I noticed what Issy was wearing. 

She had on a black dress and a diamond necklace. Her makeup was rather natural, but she had on red lipstick and elbow length black evening gloves. Her shoes were black ankle strapped heels and her wavy hair was down. Then my rather laid back aunt was wearing the same thing but in mauve. And Dana was here for some reason. She had on a burgundy cuffed shirt that was tucked into a black skirt with white spots. She had a black ribbon tie and white over the calf socks that went well with her burgundy durbys. 

Then my aunt came up to me and hugged me too. "Don't worry, your sister doesn't know more than you so you don't have to feel left out. I'll explain it when she comes." She murmured into my hair.

"When who comes?" I asked, Isabella shrugged and Dana did the face she always did when she was hiding a secret.

"No time for questions, Dana give her clothes so she can change" She said, ignoring my questioning eyes. Dana handed me a brown bag and sent me off into the hallway bathroom.

After I finished changing, I was back in the living room with the others waiting on "them", or whoever they are. I was wearing the exact same outfit as Isabella, the same makeup and everything, but my wavy hair was in a bun (made by the wonderful Dana). I would go back to Iris' house if I had the choice. Five knocks on the door were heard. Aunt Jess opened the door and another woman came into the room. She was mixed, had brown wavy hair, electric blue eyes, and wore the same uniform as Dana. 

"Anabella reporting!" She said in a uniform way "Stand up in honor for the Queen of Lux!" and with that she took a step from the doorway and bowed. So did the rest of us. 

She came with all her glory. She had blonde hair but more patches of gray, the same olive green eyes as me and my sister and the most magnificent dress. It was a gorgeous silky black evening and had multicolored gems on the bottom. She wore evening gloves that almost reached her shoulders and white fur shawl. 

"Nice to see that you dressed up the girls to meet me." She says, looking up and down at me and my sister as if she has seen us before.

"Who are you?" Isabella asked. The "queen" simply stared at her.

"Such a shame that my own granddaughter doesn't even know me. Oh well, we'll explain all we can." She clasped her hands together.

There certainly has to be a lot of explaining going on.

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