19- A New Perspective

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What's up people! Coming to you from Nobleton Weekly, this is Interview Frenzy Friday Mornings and your host is none other than: Ms. Anonymous. This year we are starting off with tenth graders for our interviews. If you don't know already these interviews are all anonymous, unless you are okay giving your name, and aren't made to encourage gossip. These are sponsored by the bestest teacher in the world Mr. Q. Let's start!

"Tell me what you want to share."

"Well, I'm glad that tonight is the dance. Me and my friends already went dress shopping and we look so cute in the dresses we have. Although a bad thing is that one of my friends got extra detention for what happened yesterday requested directly from one of her parents. I don't know if she'll even be able to make it in time, but it isn't too bad 'cause we don't have dates. I was also looking forward to making friends with this one girl but her other friends don't like us for some reason. That's it."

"Would you like to remain anonymous?"


"Tell me what you want to share."

"I'm about to spill the biggest secrets about the popular girls. You didn't hear it from me but Harmony Clark, that actress girl or whatever bribed the director of the show she's on to be on it. You know the whole Tina breaking her neck thing at cheer last year was her all along. Alison Harris also was apart of the murder of her mother. She wanted the business so bad but now she can't even handle it. Gabbie Lolli cheats on all her tests and never is in dress code but the teachers can't say anything about it because they're afraid of losing their jobs. When the Winter Bake off comes I recommend not going to Lola Harper's table because she puts laxatives in all of her cookies. She lies about not getting into fights but she was the one that started the one last night. Lastly, dear Eloise Wilson is the worst of them all. She lies about being half asian and had surgery to make herself look different. She also lies about having the mental disorders she "claims" she has. She is an attention seeker and the general public is not seeing that. What she's doing is harmful for people that actually suffer from those disorders and I hope she gets kicked out of school along with her little friends."

"Would you like to remain anonymous?"

"No."- Sam Gentry

"Tell me what you want to share."

"Sometimes I wonder if I really deserve to be at this school. Sure I have friends and I'm pretty popular but I feel like I can't make real connections with people. It gets tiring putting on a persona so others think you are alright when you aren't actually. Everyone else is doing well and I am just stuck in the same spot as always. I wish I could change everything about myself."

"Would you like to remain anonymous?"


"Tell me what you want to share."

"As your future student council president, I think that there should be dances every single night like there was in the old days of Royale High. There you could vote for people to be kings and queens and the winners would get a diamond prize. Mrs. Lolli, I know I will be in your office when you read this so I hope you get my message"

"Would you like to remain anonymous?"

"This was more of a private conversation with Mrs. Lolli so yeah."

"Tell me what you want to share."

"So I've been trying to get back into art since I've recently refreshed my violin skills but I don't have any inspiration. I've been watching and filming the sunrise and sunsets and those time lapses are on my Snapshot page if you want to see them. I'm also asking for more funding for the arts program! There's so much we can do and bring back the talent show. The talent show is where I found my closest friends and I want everyone to just have fun. See you at the dance!"

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