17- Air Head

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The screams following are a mix of people pretending, people that are genuinely scared, people that didn't hear or see anything but are screaming nonetheless, and people (only me) that are quiet screamers.

"Mr. Lewis, do you want to spend your whole afternoon and night in detention for disrupting my class? This is pomegranate juice." She takes a paper towel and dabs where the juice spilled on her dark purple skirt and desk.

"Oh fountain fairies no." He says, crossing his arms into an 'x' in more sign of his opposition.

"Good." She throws the paper in the trash directly across the classroom with perfect aim. I secretly pull out my phone and open my notebook app.

Evil human ×

Deadly Vampire ✓

The bell finally rings after a few tense minutes. She didn't mention the pop quiz and no one else dared to be the one who did.

"What's the next class?" I asked, exchanging my books for my science one back on the first floor. Maya was already there leaning on another locker while I liked through mine.

"It's study hall but school rules are different for us. Study hall is just a name they give free period to make our school look better on the brochures. As if they even need to wow the people that want to go here much." Maya says as we both go back up to the second floor.

"Can we go to our dorms then?" I ask, stopping, waiting for Maya to re-tie her laces.

"Totally. That reminds me actually that I wanted to show you a new game I have." She takes my hand and soon we are back in the dorm section of the building.

I can hear other students, too many people talking to be having a Study Hall break but I don't care as she opens the door to get into her roommate's dorm.

"Who are you sharing with?" I ask once she closes the door. The main room is identical to mine.

"Mm, some girl named Shelby. You probably won't know her." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh like Shelby from the band? If then we're really close." I look at her and wonder why she would just push knowledge like that off.

"Oh." She sounds disappointed.

She lets me into her room and instantly I'm warmed with green led lights (Or it could be that heater by the door. Who uses common sense these days?). Her room is an array of color with a main theme of sunset colors.

"So I got Nana Mary-Anne's Culinary Empire." She holds up the infamous colorful packaging of the game with 'Nana Mary-Anne' smiling in front of a large restaurant.

The game was really unpopular and only bought by parents for their children, not caring enough to read that the game was rated 'M' for it's later game play. Sooner or later it became a hit with the older gaming community and everyone was playing it to see how a simple game about a grandmother's dream to own a restaurant turned into a whole gang organization with actually thought out lore.

I take the case out of her hands and open it to be met with it being empty inside. "I've been playing for a while." She says sheepishly.

"I'll watch then." Maya walks over and pulls a chair for me to sit next to her chair.

I watched her playing but after thirty (very boring) minutes she finally paused and turned off the game. "Wanna go play tennis?"

"Don't we have P.E. after this? It won't be of any use to do exercise if we're going to do it more in the next period." I say.

"Well...do you wanna know anything about people here?"

I hum wondering. "How many people do you know?"

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