6- Eight Minutes

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"So..." I started, "You gonna share?". As the youngest person in the room and the last person to know what was going on, I kinda felt like there was some sort of invisible wall separating us.

"Fine," Aunt Jessica began "let's start with the beginning, the past:

Before I can really get into this story, you need to have some background information. At that time, the royals were seen as massively wealthy people after the revolutionary war, which gave us democracy today. As you know, every royal family has a crown and a scepter which only the crowned royal can have. Ever since the war, bandits have killed the Ignis, Aqua, Naturae, Glacies, and Tenebris families for their scepters and crowns since they possess great powers. However that proved to be pointless because the items were misplaced in the end. Only family left was ours: Lux.

That leads us to the next part. Your mother was only seventeen when she met your father while he was twenty one while I was only six. The thing about their relationship was that she was naive and he was manipulative. A year after, they started dating and she was deeply in love.

Then a total of seven years later they got married. That is when our lives took a dark turn. Exactly one week after their wedding, your mother Caroline, found out she was pregnant with you two. When your father found out, he was furious because he would have to give up the crown sooner. He left her to take care of you both by herself. And that's what she did for the next five years."

"Then what?" Isabella asked after moments of silence. "What happened next?"

"The part that I have been arguing with my daughter about for the last ten years. It is all my fault that it happened so I'll have to share it with you:

It was a regular January morning. Your mother wanted to take you girls out into town to see snow that morning. I thought nothing of it.

She always loved the winter. I told her to be back by at most 3pm since she left at a quarter to noon. Of course, being the rebel rule breaker she was, she came back home at 6 pm. I wanted to teach her a lesson by taking you two inside, and leaving her outside the gate for an thirty minutes. Jessica, being 14, disapproved of this and told me to open up the gate, but I didn't listen to her and waited for thirty minutes to pass.

Eight minutes into her punishment, the unspeakable happened. The man that our mother loved with all her heart stabbed her and tore her up. She was only 25, so young. After the rest of the minutes had passed we went outside to go get her, but it was too late, she lost too much blood to be saved. That's when Jessica started to make sure that I'd never see your faces again. When she became of age, she adopted you two and moved into Royale City.

For 10 years when we were fighting, we thought you were safe, until today. The same bandits that killed the Tenebris found out that Jessica wasn't the crowned royalty so that meant one of you were. That person of course would be Isabella, but your mother was never a rule follower. She knew that they would be going for the older one, so make the younger one the queen. Also she just admired your freckles. That makes Clara the future queen which means that you can hold the scepter and wear the crown without getting hurt or injured.

But I'm getting off track, we are taking you to where I live, a mansion in the countryside where you will stay for a week, you can choose three options for your fate once we get there, I-i mean your future. Yes, yes, future." Our grandmother finished up with a shaky sigh.

Me and Isabella both gave each other concerned looks, but it was too late. The jet landed smoothly and we were let out of it.

Once we were completely off, I took a look at the rising sun in the distance. It was beautiful but something inside me hoped that in the end I wouldn't end up like my mother. I would find my dad and ask him why he murdered her, somehow and some way. I will never give up.

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