Our Evil Plan

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"Father, I know you trained me years to use this cat miraculous, but don't you think we're doing a lot of damage to Paris or to the people? We both can also get hurt." Adrien said as they left their secret layer and prepared for dinner, Gabriel looked at Adrien with a black look and said " WE HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS AND I DON'T WANT TO REPEAT MYSELF ADRIEN!" Gabriel said as he slammed his hand on his desk. Adrien knew his father really loved and missed his wife but he doesn't have to go this far. 

Nathalie his assistant, knocked at his office door and said "dinner is ready." Gabriel looked at Nathalie and said, "I won't be having dinner today, go without me, I need to be alone." Nathalie nodded her head and brought Adrien out of the room and served him dinner. "Nathalie I know you, father, and mother are close, you were already here when mother was sick, do you know why he's doing this?" Adrien asked with a low tone. 

"Adrien, you know your father forbids me to talk about this stuff, you'll see it when it happens." Before Adrien got to say anything Nathalie left him and went straight to work, Adrien sighed and quickly ate his food since he didn't want to be near anyone. 

He quickly ran to the kitchen to grab camembert and slowly placed it in his pocket and went straight to his room, "Hey Plagg I'm here and I have dinner for you." Adrien said while he locks his door, Plagg quickly ran out of his drawer and said, "Adrien you know your father won't like this, he said not to feed me and we have to obey him." Adrien smiled and said, "we'll keep it a secret, I know I'm not supposed to feed you but I know deep down your hungry so go and eat before it's too late." 

Plagg smiled and hugged Adrien's cheek and ate the whole camembert and ended his meal with a loud burp. "So Adrien, you saw Ladybug! I can't wait to see sugarcude again! Plagg said as he watches Adrien practice his piano. "Sugracude? Who's that?" Adrien asked with a confused look on his face, "Oh she's Ladybug's kwami." Adrien sighed and said, "Plagg you know we can't talk about this but she looks pretty and cute, but father says she's evil, a greedy, she's the reason why mother is like this?" Adrien said as he leaves his piano and sits right next to Plagg.

"Yeah kid, but I've met and seen her and just keep it a secret, she's none of what your dad said about her, she kind, sweet, and more!" but before he could finish to what he was about to say, Gabriel knocked at Adrien's door and said, "son may I talk to you for a bit, meet me in my office when you're done fixing up." both Plagg and Adrien sighed and went out of Adrien's room and entered the office of Gabriel. 

As Adrien took a seat, Gabriel looked at Adrien while drawing some of his new clothing designs and said "Adrien look, I know I am being harsh and all but I am doing this for our family! Your mother! I can't bear seeing you sad and lonely and the only thing that's making you happy was your mother. So I'll do everything to make us all happy again." Adrien placed on a fake smiled and gave Gabriel a hug and said "Ok father, I know you want all of us to be happy but don't you think mother will not be happy of our doing?" 

Gabriel then looked at Adrien, and as Gabriel was talking Adrien knew he got his father mad and he was trying to keep it cool, So to end the conversation Adrien just agreed to his father and left the room with a fake smile. "Plagg to be honest I don't like what we're doing but I also want to make my father proud of me and to look at me like I'm his best son he ever had, so I'll do whatever it takes to make him happy again!" 

Plagg looked at Adrien as he entered his room and asked, "Adrien what's your father's plan? If you don't mind me asking." Adrien looked at Plagg while brushing his hair and said, "well the plan is that next week I'll be using the cat miraculous and will join Ladybug's team/side, then I'll have to gain her trust, and then as we both warmed up to each other, I will go and lead her to our plan which is actually a trap for her to get her miraculous." 

Plagg looked at Adrien with fear in his eyes and said "Woah, that's just cruel, you're going to be backstabbing Ladybug who trusted you for years and you'll break the friendship you guys have like that!" Adrien looked down and Plagg knew he also didn't like the plan but he knows his father was so desperate to bring his wife back, so Plagg padded the shoulder of Adrien and said.

"Ok kid look, If this is getting out of hand, and you, ladybug have trusted each other, you should go and tell her before it's too late, but if this ladybug of your's is kind and understanding she might be able to help you with your life. And who knows you might fall for her and start having second thoughts about your father's plan" Plagg said with a smirk on his face, Adrien looked at Plagg with disgust and laughed it out. 

"Plagg thanks, but I hope nothing bad happens, I'll just listen to my father for now, but as you said if anything goes wrong, I'll just have to tell Ladybug what he's planning to do and tell  her the truth." Plagg smiled and flew right next to Adrien and both went fast asleep. 

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