Truth Exposed

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It was two in the morning, Marinette couldn't get off her phone since she kept on chatting with Adrien. Tikki woke up and flew right in front of her phone and said "Marinette it's two in the morning and it doesn't mean it's a weekend you have to stay up all night just messaging Adrien, you have to rest your eyes and you're going to have patrol later and I don't want you to be tired." Tikki said while giving Marinette a pouted face.  

Marinette smiled and closed her phone "alright Tikki, I already said my goodbyes and goodnight to Adrien, we were just talking about each other and how funny our friendship started." Tikki smirked and said, "So you don't have feelings for this blonde model boy?" Marinette gave Tikki a look that says "ARE YOU FOR REAL NOW"

Marinette giggled and gave Tikki a cheek hug "No Tikki, he's just a friend you know I like Cat Noir, well yea Adrien's sweet, funny and all but Cat Noir is everything, we get along so well, and anytime we meet or bump into each other I could stop but look into his eyes." Tikki broke the hug and tucked Marinette into bed "Ok Marinette get some rest and maybe later you can share with me all your stores with Adrien and Cat Noir." Marinette smiled and went fast to sleep.

beep beep beep beep beep, "Ugh what time is it Tikki?" Tikki flew right next to her and said "it's nine o'clock Marinette, you have to get going since you'll be hanging out with Alya and the girls." Marinette slammed the alarm clock and stretched her arms out and let out a deep sigh. 

She got up and went straight to the bathroom and got ready. As she was done taking a nice quick warm bath, she brushed her teeth, dried her hair, braided both sides, and then grabbed her outfit. She wore a nice pink sundress and a nice pair of white flats, she then grabbed her white hanging bag and ran went down to greet her parents. 

"Good morning mama and papa," she said while giving each of them a kiss on the cheek, "Good morning sweetie you look pretty, is my daughter going on a date?" Tom said while taking a sip off his coffee and giving Marinette a loving smile. 

"What No papa, I'm hanging out with the girls today," Marinette said while taking a seat and taking a bite of a freshly baked croissant, "Oh ok honey, just come back home safely and tell the girls I said hi," Sabine said while sitting next to Tom, Marinette smiled and as she was about to leave the house, Tom and Sabine gave Marinette a small box of macaroons for Tikki to eat on. Marinette smiled and thanked them and quickly ran to the bus stop. 

As she was walking towards the bus stop, it started to rain cats and dogs, she then started to run and stopped under a tree that could help her stay and wait till the rain would lessen. She then opened her bag and saw Tikki munching on the treats her parents gave "Tikki you weren't supposed to eat it now, just save one just in case." Tikki giggled and said, "Ok Marinette, it's just that it's so good and it was fresh from the oven and who wouldn't want to take a bit of a freshly baked good!" Marinette gave Tikki a playful eye roll and gently closed her bag. 

The rain got harder and Marinette started to lose hope and just wanted to run home and change her outfit since it'll be soaking wet and to grab an umbrella, but then a limo stopped right in front of her and saw the window roll down, it was Adrien. Marinette's face lightened up and as she saw Adrien go down his limo and holding up an umbrella. 

"Hey, Marinette what coincident I was just thinking about y-you I mean like as a friend hehe. Um, I was just driving around town since my father gave me a day off from modeling and photoshoots, I was supposed to stop by at your place to chat but then I saw you here so I wanted to stop by and give you a ride to wherever your gonna go." Adrien said while putting the umbrella on top of them while looking deep into her ocean eyes. 

Marinette smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, "Thanks Adrien, I was going to hang out with the girls today at the mall then it started to rain, Is it ok if you can drive me there?" Marinette said while looking at the floor not to give eye contact with Adrien, he gently lifted her chin to face him and gave her a warm calm smile, "Sure Marinette I'll give you a ride there, come on in." Adrien said while opening the door for her, she smiled and sat right next to Adrien, and drove off. 

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