My New Partner

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It has been a week and no signs of akumatized people so far, so I think today will be a nice calm week. Marinette said as she was finishing some sketches for her fashion blog, Tikki flew right next to her and said, "Marinette you have patrol later, and you promised Alya to join her for later's interview with Adrien Agreste!" Tikki said while pulling Marinette's pigtails to get her attention. 

Marinette sighed "Oh yea the interview, what's so good about him? I mean yeah he's hot, cute, and handsome..." Marinette said as she started to stare out of the blue with her mouth open. 'Umm Marinette?! EARTH TO MARINETTE!" Marinette snapped out of her daydream and looked at Tikki with a red shade that went across her face. 

"So about him huh?" Tikki said while giving her a smirk, Marinette rolled her eyes and got ready for patrol, and messaged Alya saying she'll meet her at the cafe at five o'clock. Marinette packed her stuff and kissed her parents goodbye and ran out of the bakery. She ran to a dark ally and said "TIKKI SPOTS ON!" she grabbed her yoyo, swung through the roof, and checked each side of Paris. After checking she looked at her ladybug yoyo and saw that it was almost five, so she de transforms and headed straight to the cafe. 

"Hey girl!" Alya said while hugging Marinette, "Hey Alya! So tell me why is this interview so important to you?" Alya looked at Marinette while raising her eyebrows, "Girl stop playing, I know you like him, It's so obvious girl! hahaha." Marinette's face then all of a sudden turned into a tomato and said "Alya h-how did y-you know?" "Like I said you were being obvious and we also need to interview him for our school project remember!' 

Marinette sighed and said, "Oh yea the school project, well what are you waiting for let's go and meet him!" Alya smiled, and both ran straight to the place where they would meet and interview Adrien Agreste. As they arrived there was a long line of girls screaming his name and some girls were brought to the hospital since they passed out. 

"Damn he has a lot of fans, and most of them are girls," Marinette said while fixing her pigtails. Alya then held Marinette's hand and said everything was going to be just fine. After some mins o waiting in line, it was Alya and Marinette's turn to interview Adrien. As the day goes on Marinette waved goodbye to Alya and walked going home. 

"Tikki did you see how cute Adrien was! He's so dreamy!" Marinette said while walking home with a blush on her face, "hahaha yea Marinette you were really nice and sociable towards Adrien! I'm so proud of you." Marinette smiled and gave Tikki a cookie and went to her room. "Mama! Papa! I'm home!' Marinette shouted as she dropped her things to grab something to eat. Tikki flew out of her bag and saw a letter that was pinned on the fridge and it says. 


You're father and I had some important things to do downtown, your grandfather and grandmother need some help, so your uncle Wang Cheng will come tomorrow afternoon and will watch over the bakery for three days, Love you honey and don't miss us so much!

Love, Mama, and papa

After reading the letter, Marinette sighed and quickly finished her meal, and went straight to her room to go to bed. "Good night Tikki," Marinette said as she gave Tikki a kiss and went fast asleep. 

It was nine o'clock in the morning and Marinette got up to hearing a doorbell, "Oh that must be uncle Wang, but I thought he will arrive in the afternoon." Marinette said while she wore some nice clothes and quickly brushed her hair and teeth. As she opened the door, Wang Cheng gave Marinette a tight hug and greeted her. "Hello, Marinette! Sorry, I forgot to inform you my flight got early." Marinette smiled and helped her uncle in. 

After the whole day of spending time with her uncle, she saw an akumatized person and was turning people into slime. Marinette quickly excused herself and transformed into Ladybug. She swung her yoyo and used it as a shield when he would try to hit her with his slimy hands. 

After a few mins of fighting, Ladybug saw a shadow of a boy who had cat ears and a black leather suit, "Oh are you a miraculous holder too?" Ladybug asked while she helped herself up. He then ran towards her and helped her up and said "Oh um hi yes, my name is Cat Noir! Yea Cat Noir!" Ladybug smiled and as they both defeated the villain, Ladybug asked Cat Noir if they could have a small chat. 

Cat Noir agreed and followed Ladybug from behind, As they landed on top o the Eiffel tower, Ladybug asked him a lot of questions. As he answered all her questions and Ladybug was satisfied with all her questions being answered she thanked him for helping and said "Cat Noir, I can't wait to have another battle with you again! Thank you so much and I can't wait to learn more stuff about you! BUG OUT!" 

Ladybug then swung her yoyo and went to an alley near the bakery and de transformed back into Marinette, she then gave Tikki and macaroon and said "Wow Tikki did you see that?! I finally have a partner and his name is Cat Noir! I bet mom and dad will be so happy to have him back and um you got to see or touch Plagg?" Tikki and Marinette giggled and went back inside the bakery to check on uncle Wang. 

Before Marinette said good night to Tikki, she said under her breathe "Damn I finally have a partner! But why all of a sudden. Well don't worry Marinette you'll get to know him soon!" Marinette then said good night to Tiki and went fast a sleep.  

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