Queen Cobra

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It was six o'clock in the morning, Marinette had woken up to loads of notification from Alya saying, "Heyy girl! Did you know that the new zoo has opened today and I bought us tickets with my twin sisters!" and spammed more other stuff. 

Marinette sighed and rolled over to Tikki who was peacefully sleeping and said, "Hi Tikki good morning, can you message Alya back and tell her I'll be glad to join her and ask her what time I shall be at her place." Tikki woke up and flew towards Marinette's phone and typed down what Marinette told her to put and sent it. "Ok, Marinette I already sent it." Marinette smiled and thanked Tikki and went fast asleep.

it was nine o'clock and got a knock on her trapdoor and a calm voice said under it, "Marinette sweetie Alya and her twin sisters are here already." Marinette jumped out of her bed "shoot, what time is it Tikki?" While looking through her messages from Alya, Marinette said, "shoot Alya told me to go to her place at eight-thirty! Um, tell her I'll be down in ten mins." "Ok sweetie, I'll give Alya and her sisters some snacks while waiting for you." 

Marinette quickly ran to the bathroom and took a quick bath, then to her closet and wore jeans, a hanging pink shirt that has flower designs on it, she wore her black boots and placed her hair in a high ponytail. "Tikki here eat this cookie so you have your energy when there will be an akumatized villain and we will get to see Cat Noir!" Tikki giggled and flew inside Marinette's bag with the cookie in her hands. 

"Hey, Alya, Ella, and Etta! Sorry, I took long, I woke up kind of late." Marinette said while scratching her neck, Alya laughed and said: "haha girl it's fine you aren't late the zoo opens at twelve, we just wanted to pick you up and have breakfast here, sorry for the short notice."  Marinette smiled, hugged Alya, said it was okay, and sat with them to eat their breakfast. 

Marinette, Alya, and her sisters said thank you and waved them goodbye, and left the bakery as they were done eating. While they were about to enter Alya's car Marinette opened the door to the back seat Alya then stopped her and said, "um girl where do you think you're going." Alya said while raising her eyebrow and looking at Marinette who was confused. "Um, I'm gonna ride your car so we can go to the zoo with your sisters?" Marinette said while looking at Alya confused. "haha girl you will sit in front with me while my sisters sit on the back!" Marinette laughed and sat right in front of Alya and all four of them drove off. 

While they were all in the car seated down, Alya and Marinette jammed in the car while the sisters were in the back playing their card games. "Alya! Ella and I are hungry can we have lunch  in the reptile cafe!" Marinette looked at Alya and said, "WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN REPTILE CAFE?!" Alya laughed and said, "Yea girl this zoo has a reptile and dog/cat cafe!" "what I mean, among both of the cafes your little sisters want to go to the reptile cafe? There could be snakes and stuff!" Ella and Etta laughed and said, "Yea Marinette we both love snakes and more creatures, dogs, and cats are boring!"

Marinette gulped and said, "Oh alright we can go to the reptile cafe, but you girls have to promise me not to put any snakes on me OK!" Alya smiled while the twins dance in their seats and thanked Marinette and Alya over and over again. 

As they arrived there was a long line at the entrance, luckily Alya ordered the tickets online and got all four of them VIP tickets, so the rides, food all has a fifty percent discount. Marinette thanked Alya and her while getting ready to enter and said, "Alya how much did you pay for my ticket so I can pay you back!" Alya smiled and said, "haha no girl this is my treat since you treated me in most of our shopping hangouts." Marinette smiled and thanked Alya. 

When they entered Ella, Etta, Alya, and Marinette ran to the map and looked at all of the fun activities they can do, like ziplining, Aerial walk with monkeys, Giant swing, free fall, wall climbing, bird museum, petting zoo, and more. "Ohh Alya we should all go to the ziplining and Aerial walk with the monkey!" "YESS GIRL THAT SOUNDS FUN! What do you think Ella and Etta?!" "Yess let's go and do it!" Ella said, "Yes but Etta and I also want to go to the petting zoo and the fish aquarium!" Marinette giggled and said, "Yes we will also go there!" Alya smiled and all four of them got their tickets and did all the activities on the list.

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