Our Family Secret And Plan

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One week had passed and Adrien has been helping his father plan for their next fight with Ladybug "PLAGG please tell me I am not going psycho or helping father defeat Ladybug! She's a really good person and..." Adrien said while fitting the clothes his father made for his next clothing line. "Kid, look she's a really nice person, the old ladybug holder is very kind, loving, and really sweet. But apparently, your father is so desperate to bring back your mother. Your dad and Ladybug'ss parents were..." Plagg stopped to what he was about to say and flew away by covering his mouth. 

Adrien's eyes widened and ran towards Plagg saying "Plagg tell me! What do you mean my father and her parents used to be what?! Friends or best friends?" Plagg tried to explain himself saying, "Adrien your father told me not to tell you this stuff, and if he knows or finds out I told you he said he'll take my voice away and no more food!" he said with guilt all over his face. Adrien frowned while crossing his arms and said "Plagg we both promised to never keep secrets from each other, so what else are you hiding from me?" 

Plagg flew right next to Adrien and let out a deep sigh and said, "Ok ok fine it hurts me to see you like this but don't tell your father I told you and it's also hard to keep it away from you, so a long time ago your father was the holder of the cat miraculous. When he was new to the job he was introduced by a girl and she also called herself Ladybug. He fell in love with her but found out she was already in a relationship with someone." Adrien's faced lighted up hearing PLagg telling him this stuff, he quickly sat down on his bed and listened carefully. 

"So when he found out she was dating someone else, he got hurt at first then he met your mother Emillie, it was like love at first sight. So they both dated and all then he and Ladybug stayed as best friends until Tikki and I secretly watched them grow up and saw you as a baby and also Ladybug's daughter. But I am not so sure if this lady of yours knows about these or is she's the daughter of the old Ladybug holder." Adrien thanked Plagg for telling him and said "Ok Plagg thanks for telling me, but" when he was about to finish his sentence Gabriel knocked on his door and said.

"Son, I need to discuss something with you right this urgent." Adrien sighed and told his father he'll be down in a min. Adrien opened his jacket to tell Plagg to fly and hide in his pocket and left his room to go and talk with his father. 

He knocked and took a seat and said "father is there anything wrong?" Gabriel smiled and said, "No son, I have a nice plan for our next akumatized villain, have you seen the news?" Gabriel said while giving Adrien the newspaper, "Um no father what's in it and what's our new plan?" Adrien said while looking through the newspaper, "Well you see there will be a new zoo that will be opening this week's Wednesday and there will be a new zoologist and she will also be in charge of taking care of them." 

Adrien started to feel bad for Ladybug since he knows his father will start to go hard on them well especially for Ladybug since Cat Noir was and had always been part of his plan. "So son I want you to carefully sneak in and get all the snakes and put them away." Adrien faced dropped and said, "But father you know..." He got cut with a slap through his face and Gabriel said in a firm voice, "Adrien you are my son and you must obey me no matter what, we are doing this for your mother." 

Adrien tried to contain his anger while holding and hiding his fists and let out a deep sigh 

"Ok father." 

"Good now go and dress up, Gorilla (Bodyguard) will pick you up for your photo shoot." 

Adrien stood up and walked out of his father's office with pain and anger in his eyes. As he heard the door close shut he hit his room wall and started to break all his stuff and threw all of them on the floor. Nooroo then flew right next to Gabriel and said, "master why do you have to be so harsh to him, he is your son." Gabriel looked at Nooroo and said, "How dare you talk like that to your master Nooroo!" 

Nooroo frowned and apologized and flew back into his hiding spot. Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket and tried to comfort him and trying to make Adrien feel better, Adrien finally then calmed down and smiled at Plagg and thanked him for calming him down and he was sorry for Plagg to see him act like this. Plagg gave Adrien a cheek hug and said: "Adrien it's ok, I know you are having a hard time right now and I know you don't want to hurt Ladybug but your father controls you and he does it so well." 

Adrien sighs and looks at Plagg while putting his stuff back and fixing his room up, he then changes into his clothes his father made and leaves the house without saying a word. He got in the car and looked at Plagg who was already looking at him and patted him on the head and looked out of the window and said under his breath, "I hope this will end soon. I'm sorry Ladybug" 

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